New Info!

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Ok, even though this book is hardly closer to being done (cause I have a lot of things I will put in this), I have decided......

This won't be the last book. Yay! This will be a three book series! I decided it will be three books cause I already know what will happen through the rest of the book (I won't spoil anything) so I thought, why not make a third book to continue the ending if this one? So it is settled! This will be a three book series! And.........

I'm thinking of making another book. I don't know for sure but I want to know if you think it's good enough to publish. Here's a small summary.

Nita has always been unusual. She seems like your typical middle schooler, lots of friends, good grades, and always smiling. But she was none of those things. When she goes back home after school, she finds her house broken into and her parents dead on the floor. But when she sees a figure at the scene, she knows it did it. As she finds out more about the gruesome death and about the creature, she finds a friend, lies, and a shocking secret that will change her life forever.

What do you think? Now it's a fanfic of a Yautja and a human girl (the girl is around 12 to 13). Comment what you think if it's good enough to be made and published? Hope you like the new info! ^_^^_^^_^^_^^_^^_^^_^

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