Chapter 14 ~Back To LV-426~

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(Most of the rest of the soon to be chapters will be with Singh, but don't worry, we'll soon late on be back with Becca and Bliss) (I'm also writing this on my laptop since it won't let me update anything on my phone)

When Singh woke up, the only thing he saw was darkness. He groaned and shook his head, making his vision clearer. But when he tried to move his arms and legs, he couldn't. He quickly looked around and saw his arms and legs strapped down. He hissed and struggled to get out of the hold of the straps but it was no use. He lowered his head down trying to figure out a way to get out, but he was snapped out of his thoughts when the voice he hated spoke. "Seems like you finally woke up." But Singh didn't even have to look up to know it was Roger.

"Now I know we have some, difficulties, with each other but the only way for you to leave here, is to cooperate with us." Singh slowly looked up and hissed but the next moment, he felt pain shoot through his body. He screeched in pain as his body shook but the pain went away as quick as it happened. "Now now Singh, if you in anyway don't cooperate with us, you will be electrocuted until you behave, this was just your warning, and if you do it again, the pain will last much longer." Singh hissed but he knew he had to do what he said because if he didn't, he probably won't see Becca or Bliss again.

"Very good, now don't worry, we'll just do a couple of simple tests, if you behave." Roger walked out of Singh's sight till he saw him behind a large glass window that almost covered the whole wall besides a door that was beside it. He looked around but he felt the restraints come off of his arms and legs. Singh quickly got out and ran towards a corner of the room looking for a way to escape. "You can't escape from here Singh, and I made sure of that." Singh hissed and walked around the room, or more like ran around the room, til he heard Roger say, " Now, let's start the tests, and don't worry, he won't hurt, well not that I know of."

~~~~~~Time Skip for 3 hours~~~~~~

For the past 3 hours, Roger and his team had done over ten different tests on him, and each one hurt like hell. "That's enough for today, we'll start again tomorrow." Roger said but Singh barely heard him, for he was so tired from the tests and his body hurt everywhere. Singh looked up and saw a couple of the Marines walk in, each carrying a weapon but when he tried to get away, he just fell down from he pain. Singh felt them drag him towards the machine that held him and strapped his arms and legs again. His head fell down not even noticing that the men left the room and that the room's lights turned off meaning it was the end of the day. He hissed in pain when he moved his hands and feet and he lowered his head again knowing that they will do the same thing or maybe even something worse tomorrow. But he didn't have enough time to think about it before he closed his eyes and sunk into another darkness. A darkness called sleep for he did not dream, and he might never will again.

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