Chapter 15 ~Almost Escaped~

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           Singh woke up to the sound of a loud annoying sound that echoed through the room. He hissed and shook his head trying to not hear the noise but it soon stopped. "Since you're now awake, let's start the day hmm." Singh looked up at saw Roger with a smirk on his lips standing on the other side of the glass.

             He felt the restraints come off and he climbed out and does the same thing he did before. Looking for a way out. Singh walked around the room waiting for whatever was going to happen to him again but something unexpected happened. Roger not his team walked inside, but instead, they just left. Singh titled his head and heard a door open and he jumped and hissed thinking it was them, but it was no one.

           Singh slowly walked through the door not seeing anybody but he was still unsure. That is til he looked up and saw a vent. He hissed happily not worrying about anything so he climbed through the vent. Singh ran through the vent not knowing where it will take him but he didn't care. For he thought it may be a way out and he didn't want to waste a chance of escaping this place he called hell. That is til the vent ended.

          Singh didn't notice the vent ended but he found out quickly when he hit is head on the metal. He groaned and hissed in pain as he shook his head trying to get the pain out of his head. When the pain slowly passed on, he looked around not knowing why the vent stopped but he stopped searching when he saw a vent above him that lead into another room. Singh hesitated not knowing where the room was or if it held a lot of the Marines. But he slowly climbed out of the vent anyway.

            When Singh climbed out of the vent, it was quiet and no one was in sight or in the room. He looked around not seeing anything and he slowly walked around cause the room was just blank and not one item or object was inside. But when he was about to climb through the vent to leave, he heard a noise. Singh stopped and looked behind him not seeing anything but a few seconds later, a small object was brought down and laid on the floor. He titled his head and slowly walked towards the object and as he walked, he looked up wondering how it got in here. But the second he got close to the object, he only saw darkness and a sharp pain in his neck.

             He screeched in pain and fell down clawing at his neck. His eye sight was soon getting blurry as his body soon felt stiff. He screeched and through the spots of his vision, he saw the Marines walk in aiming their guns at his fallen body. Even though his body felt stiff and he couldn't even move a claw, he felt cold harsh hands grabbing him. His eyes felt heavy and he let out one last screech before his eyes closed as the soldiers took him back into hell.

Sorry for taking a long time to update. My phone has been glitching and it wouldn't let me update anything, but it's good now!


A Xenomorph's Child [2] ✓حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن