Chapter 1 ~6 Years Later~

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            It has been 6 years since Becca and Singh landed on the planet known as RY-456. And through the years, no other humans have landed on the planet or even thought about going there to look for Singh or her. But during those years, Becca became pregnant. It was a very surprising moment for they thought it was impossible. But nothing is impossible.

           Inside a abandoned building off the east of the edge of the forest that surrounded the area, a small figure sat beneath a small tent made of rags, cloth, and sticks. The figure was a child who was in her 5th year of her life. She had long tangled black hair that stopped beneath her shoulder blades. But what stood out most was her big bright blue eyes. The child sat in the small tent playing with a doll made of wood that had cloth in shape of a dress which covered the doll's body. The small child was in her own world, as she moved the doll as though it was dancing to a song that no one could hear. But she didn't notice the shadow that slowly stalked its way towards her.

        The child continued to play with the doll but she stopped seeing a large shadow tower over her and she turned around and screamed dropping the doll. But the scream turned to laughs. She giggled and laughed as the creature that was the owner of the shadow picked her up and laid her on its back. And the creature was Singh.

          The child laughed as she held on to Singh's back but as she slowly stopped laughing she still had a smile on her five year old face. "Daddy you scared me!" Singh hissed and turned his head and nuzzled the child on his back. When Singh learned that he was going to be a father, he didn't know what to do. With his kind, there were no fathers, besides having a mother who was the queen. So he didn't know what a father did, but Becca told him he would figure it out soon. And he did the minute his daughter was born.

            He nuzzled her one more time before walking on his four legs so she wouldn't fall off. "Is mommy back from the forest?" He nodded answering her question knowing that his mate goes into the forest to look for fruit or some supplies while he watched over their child. Singh walked through the roads toward the tallest building that stood in the middle of everything. He stopped and turned his head gently grabbing the back of her shirt lifting her up and putting her on the ground.

         "Mommy mommy mommy!" The child ran inside the building looking around as Singh followed her in. She looked around till she saw the familiar figure of her mother. "Mommy!" She ran toward her and hugged her legs and Becca picked her up spinning her around. "Hi my little angel! How was your day with daddy, Bliss?" "It was great! Me and daddy had a lot of fun!" Becca smiled at her child who had a smile that could light up the whole world.

         When their child was born, they didn't know what to name her. Becca thought about naming her Avery, or for short Ave. But Singh wrote down the name he wanted in the dirt since she couldn't understand him, so she decided to go with his choice. So, she named her Bliss. "Come, I found some fruit and some of your favorite kind of fruit." Bliss smiled and asked, "Strawberries?" Becca nodded, "Strawberries." She smiled and Becca walked with Singh as she held their child in her arms. But today will be the last day that they would have peace.


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