Chapter 9 ~A New Friend~

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           Bliss woke up alone but she didn't mind since she probably thought her parents were either out or somewhere doing something. She got up and walked outside seeing the sky painted with blue, purple, pink, and yellow. She smiled and looked around not seeing her mother or father so she decided that it was the perfect time to go play. She giggled and ran off to get her doll.

          She picked the doll up and walked outside. Bliss looked at the forest then back to the buildings. "Would it hurt to only go play for a second?" She looked at the doll and slowly walked towards the edge of the forest. She hesitated knowing that her parents told her to stay out of the forest, but she walked into the forest holding her doll close to her small body.

         Bliss walked through the forest, humming a song her mother sometimes sung to her when she couldn't sleep. But, as she hummed, she didn't noticed that something moved from the corner of her eye. She continued walking but stopped when she heard a twig snap. Bliss looked around not seeing nothing but trees and grass. She started walking again thinking it was just her mind playing tricks on her. But when she was about to turn back to go home, something grabbed her from behind.

            She screamed but a hand covered her mouth and a voice said, "It's ok, calm down." Bliss screamed but it was muffled by the stranger's hand but she stopped thinking she heard that voice from somewhere. She tried to see the person's face but couldn't since he was keeping her from moving. "When I move my hand don't scream, I don't want to hurt you." She nodded and the man slowly let go of her and she turned around seeing the man's face. She quietly gasped recognizing the stranger to be the person she saw when she first saw the soldiers. "You already met me before, my name is Nicholas, but you can call me Nick." Bliss didn't speak but watched him and Nick waited but asked realizing that she wasn't going to say anything. "What's your name child?"

           Bliss hesitated not knowing if she should tell him her name, but her parents didn't say she couldn't tell people her name so she decided it was okay. "Bliss." The man smiled, "Bliss, that's a unique name, nice to meet you." He took out his hand and Bliss slowly did the same and laid her small hand against Nick's large one, and shook his hand. After they shook hands, Nick asked, "Where are your parents?" "There at home." Bliss answered and pointed toward the direction of their home. "It's the group of buildings in the middle of the forest." Nick nodded, "Can I meet them, so they know that they are safe." She shook her head and he asked, "Why?" "Because the mean men want to kill them." Nick chuckled thinking that the child was confused but didn't say anything about it. 
         "Well you should get going, your parents are probably wondering where you are at." Bliss nodded and started to walk off but she stopped and looked back. "Nick?" He stopped and turned to her, "Yeah?" "Can you be my friend? I don't have any friends  besides Lily." Bliss held her doll and Nick chuckled, "Sure, I'll be your friend." She giggled and smiled and she walked off towards the direction of her home as Nick walked off back to his team. But what he didn't know, was that the child was very close to the xenomorph, but he would soon find out the hard way.

A Xenomorph's Child [2] ✓Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang