"Let's find out." I sneered.

I swung my sword at her, but she poofed out of the way.

I heard her chuckle as she conjured up a fireball, "Oh, this is going to be fun."

She threw the ball of death at me. I rolled out of the way and swung my sword again. She vanished again and, before anything else happened, I felt my body froze in place.

"What the bloody -"

"Language young lady." The Evil Queen said. "This has been fun. But all good things must come to an end." She gave me another wicked smile as she conjured up another ball. "And this will definitely come to an end."

Before she could throw another fireball at me, an arrow flew past our heads and landed on the tree.

"Leave her alone!"

I looked up to see a woman with skin pale as snow and hair dark as night. She held her bow up as she notched another arrow at the Queen.

"Snow White." She sneered.

"I won't asking again. Leave the girl alone." Snow said.

The Queen glared at her, "Dear Snow White, always trying to save people. Maybe I should just finish you off instead."

"Try all you want, you know you can't win. Good always wins."

"Not always." She said before throwing the ball at Snow.

Snow ducked under the ball and launched her arrow. The Queen moved her hands and purple smoke surrounded her before she disappears.

I let out a sigh of relief when I could feel my body move, "Thanks for that, lass." Then I started walking.

"What did she want with you?" Snow asked as she followed.

"Short version: Dark One wants me for some reason, Queenie back there wanted to kill me before he can capture me."

"What does Rumplestiltskin want with you?"

I shrugged, "I don't know, lass. I'll ask if I get bloody captured. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm running late to see Papa at the ship."

She stopped me, "And where is the ship?"

"Just up this road. Docked on Queenie's land."

Snow gave me a confused look, "I was just up there. I didn't see any ship."

I chuckled, "That's a good one." She gave me a sad look. "You are joking, aren't you?"

She didn't give me a look indicating that she was. My eyes widen and I ran up the road. I made it all my way to the docks and my mouth flew open. The Jolly Roger...it's gone.

I shook my head, "No. No, no, no. He's suppose to be here. He wouldn't leave me behind."

I ran up the docks and started looking out the sea. Not one single ship was in open waters.

"Papa." I yelled. Nothing. I sunk down to my knees and started crying. He couldn't leave me here. He never leaves unless I'm on the ship. I felt someone pull me up, but I kept shouting. "Papa...Papa...Papa!"

"I'm so sorry." Snow whispered.

After what felt like a while, my tears stopped. I know my dad, he wouldn't leave me. Something must have happened. I got out of Snow's embrace and started walking back to the forest.

"Where are you going?" She asked.

"Anywhere, but here." I answered.

She stopped me again, "You can't go out there alone." Then she came up with an idea. "Come with me. I live with a few dwarves, they'll be happy to let you live with us."

I glared at her, "I'm not your charity case."

"I'm not saying that you are. But, I can't leave you out here, especially with Rumplestiltskin looking for you. You'll be much safer with us until you find your father."

I could tell she was being sincere, "Fine. But, don't make me regret this."

She smiled as she held her hand out, "Snow White."

I glanced at her hand before shaking it, "Cassandra Jones."


A/N: Story coming soon. January 2017!!!

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