The Lavery Twins - Chapter 3

Comenzar desde el principio

"You're telling me," Ally said, barely even awake as she lazily opened the fridge. "Oh my god," she stopped, and rubbed her head too.

"I knew this was coming!" I grumbled, putting my head down on the table.

Ally's oramge hair was all over the place, and her thick makeup was smudged - her eyes barely open as she stumbled to the table with two glasses of milk in her hands. "Here," she sighed, giving me a glass. "I heard this helps hangovers."

"Good," I said, running my fingers through my wild morning hair. "God damn Ally, do you even remember anything?"

She looked at me. "I just remember you requesting 'Candyland', and spilling your beer all over your shirt. That's like, it," she sighed in disbelief, "honestly, everything else is a blur. Do you remember anything?"

I blinked, trying to go back to last night. All these images kept running through my mind, and honestly I couldn't tell if they actually happened or if it was just in my head. It's easy for your mind to play tricks on you, and it's easy to just think of anything. Since I was wasted last night, I wouldn't know what actually happened.

"I don't know," I finally answered, rubbing my eyes. "I remember going to the party, remember what you said, and I remember....." I decided to leave out the whole Matt thing, since I was planning on forgetting him, "I just remember coming home."

Ally's eyes were starting to close with exhaustion, and she took a careful sip of her milk. "The best party ever and I don't even remember half of it."

"You see, that's the thing," I sighed, "people go to parties, get drunk, then have a great time. You never really remember it the next day."

"I think it's because we were wasted," Ally said, tapping the table with her neon yellow nails.

Suddenly, Ally gasped in excitement, startling me as she jumped out of her chair and ran to the foyer to search through her bag.

"I can't believe I almost forgot," she said, taking out her camera, and running back to the kitchen to sit as she turned it on. "I took like a million pictures last night."

I grinned. The camera was even covered in tiny bits of sand, and after trying to brush most of it off, Ally looked through the pictures for a bit, then blinked.

"I'll put them on the computer," she announced, getting up again. "It'll be easier to see."

"Alright," I followed her upstairs to her room and collapsed on her bean bag chair as she set up her laptop, turning it on and looking for the camera USB cord.

I continously rubbed my temples as I tried to remember last night. It's not like I can't remember anything at all, it's just that every little image I did remember was all fuzzy and random.

"Alright hoe, eyes on the screen," Ally smirked, getting comforatable on her bed. I sighed, and slipped onto the bed beside her, and crossed my legs.

"There's like a thousand pictures on here," she chuckled, opening the picture file on the laptop. "I'm a little scared actually."

I shrugged. "Eh, hit it."

Ally clicked on the first picture, making it full screen. Of course it was the first picture of yesterday, and it was Ally and me in the bathroom, making weird faces in the mirror.

Ally chuckled, and went to the next, and we sat there as we watched the slideshow of pictures ;

Ally and me being retarded at my house

Ally and me being retarded in the car

The back of Shane's head in the car

Matt driving

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