Clarity won't hurt. Separation will.

Start from the beginning

Yang stepped forward and took Ruby's hand, yanking her away from Weiss. "I am not leaving my sister with a liar. You didn't tell us the truth. You didn't tell us who you really are." Ruby struggled away from her sister but she saw the blonde's eyes burning red like hot coals.

Weiss turned to them, her face stoic and cold. "Yes, I lied. for my own safety. I'm someone not from land. I'm the merprincess of the Seven Seas. I came here looking for something that I might need to grow as a person but now I know that nothing is different from underwater and here."

"Why are you here?" Blake spoke up finally, sadness reflecting in her amber orbs.

"I'm here away from the people who despise me. From those who call me different for having something different from my people." Weiss honestly said and held out her hand where snowflakes danced at her palm, a glyph following. "Two semblances are rare for you. Having one is enough to call a mermaid a witch. What more two?"

"For short, you were running away because you were being discriminated." Yang asked, her voice sounding unhappy. Ruby watched in horror as Weiss talked about an important part of her identity.

"Yes. But now, seeing that you dislike me, I have to leave. Keep Ruby safe. I'll leave you to your own." Weiss turned away from Ruby. The young cookie lover heard her heart break...slowly...

"Weiss...don't leave..please."
"Ruby, when I get back...maybe we'll sort a few things out."
"W-We can sort it now!"
"I'm not that ready, Rubes. See you soon."

Ruby refuses to let her leave. She refuses to let her go on her own. No. Not now. NOT. NOW.

Ruby immediately slipped away from her sister's grasp, Yang shouted her name but she can't hear anything but her heart beating so much that she heard her blood rushing to her ears. She grabbed on to Weiss' hand immediately and pulled her close.


The mermaid was silenced by the younger girl through her lips. Yang and Blake didn't believe their eyes but Ruby took the initiative to kiss Weiss. No second thoughts, no doubts, no BS. She refuse to let Weiss leave and this was her only chance to change her mind.

Weiss didn't fight her back but she felt her heart melt in return, tears from her ice caped heart flowed from her eyes. She held Ruby close, her lips slightly moving in sync with Ruby's. Once they both pulled away, they didn't hide their tears.

"Weiss, please...don't leave." Ruby pleaded with eyes filled with tears.

Weiss sobbed even more, brokenhearted upon seeing Ruby this way. "I-I'm so sorry. Ruby, I can't get you in any harm I already have. You have to be safe. I-I promise I'll come back for you, 'kay? Please...please go with Yang."

"Weiss, I can't leave you. Please!" She pleaded continuously but Weiss knew the risks. Ruby's state is worse that hers. 

"Ruby, I have to go. Emerald's trail will fade..." Weiss sobbed as she said the words. "I...I have to go. Yang...Please.." She looked up at the blonde who looks surprised. "Take her. I'll be back."

"No!" Ruby clung harder at Weiss' arm, tears flowed down her cheeks like a waterfall. Yang took Ruby's arm gently which the girl swatted away but Weiss pushed her away without hurting her physically but she knew she made damage more that she could repair.

"Ruby...don't make this hard for the both of us." Weiss pleaded despite pain spreading through her chest. In her heart..

"Ruby, come on." Yang pleaded as well.

Weiss didn't want to use something on Ruby like magic but seeing that she had no other choice...

"My love..." She whispered before kissing Ruby's cheek where the spot produced a glyph. A baby pink one that soon disappeared. "Soon....I'll be back."

"No....not you...too..." Ruby couldn't fight the girl's magic. Soon enough, she fell asleep with those last words to leave Weiss.

Without saying anything else, she walked away as fast as she could without looking back. Yang knew how it must feel to leave for the safety of their loved ones. Their mother, Summer, must have felt the same way.

"Keep your promise!" The blonde shouted soon enough just when Weiss was far away from earshot.

The mermaid smiled to herself and nodded before continuing her way to the mansion where Neptune was waiting, armed and ready.

"Have you kept track of Emerald?" Weiss asked. once she arrived the mansion. She asked the butler to clear their trace from the mansion. 

"I have, your majesty." Neptune showed her the scroll which showed where Emerald was. She was still in Vale. 

"Well then, let's start the chase. I won't allow them to do this to Seven Seas." She muttered under her breath.

Thence, they started their mission to bring down Cinder the best they could.

"I'll be back, Ruby."

Yay for a new chapter~!! \>o</ And I hope y'all are crying right now...heheh..

That's it for this chapter!~ Leave a comment bellow and don't forget to vote for the chapter and I'll have more coming your way~! 

I love you hoomans~! See you next chappie~!

PS: Volume 4 is awesome.

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