I rode beside Ryan for a while, enjoying the peace and the scenery, I knew this was making him feel better.

"Oi Lakey." Katie called from behind us. We both halted our horses and turned to see her and Oscar catching us up.
"What's with the nick name... Hammy!" He shot back at her.
"Hey, Laura is really rubbing off on you, she calls me that to wind me up." She replied before scowling at me a little. Me and Ryan both laughed at her.
"Aww, don't get offended Hammy, we're only messing." I said in return with a smirk.
"You're asking for trouble now, Welly!" Katie snapped, evidently joking. We all laughed.

"Anyway... Ryan, can you spend some time with Oscar for a bit? I need to chat with my best friend, you've been hogging her too much and I need her back for a little while?" Katie grinned at us both. I turned to Ryan and smiled at him. He returned it.
"Fine, come on Oscar we can ride ahead and leave them too it for a bit." He said, looking at Oscar, who agreed and gave Katie a smirk.

Ryan took my hand, squeezing it gently and winked at me before riding off with Oscar.

I think I need some ice for my heart because it has melted again. Ryan has this way of overwhelming me and then leaving me to deal with his affection, and he knew it drove me mad. I could see it in his face. He was always so pleased about it.

After the boys had ridden into the distance, but were still in sight, Katie finally spoke.

"So...Um... Oscar is moving to England." And with that she could not hide her ecstatic grin.
"No way! That's awesome. I had a hunch that he would, he hasn't been able to keep his eyes off you, and especially when Rachel is already going. It won't be long before you and him are to-" The look on her face answered my own question.
"You're with him aren't you?" I asked her. Katie nodded a bit too enthusiastically.

"He asked me last night. I'm so damn happy!" She was still bloody smiling.
"And I am happy for you too." Part of me wished that I was officially with Ryan as I was still unsure of the security of 'us'. Everyone around me was getting into relationships, but I knew that Ryan was waiting for a reason, he didn't want to rush this like every other relationship he had ever had.

"Talking of last night, Oscar walked me passed the tree house that you and Ryan were in last night, what's going on there hey?" She asked, whilst raising her eyebrows.

"Nothing really, we are just getting to know each other better." I answered honestly. "We may have kissed a little too." I giggled with a slight blush and Katie laughed with me.
"If that's what you want to call it, that's fine."

"No, honestly, that's all we did. He keeps emphasizing that he wants to take things really slow, and I'm happy with that."

"Well, Laura, if you are both happy doing that, then I'm happy for you. It makes me all warm and fuzzy to know my best friend has finally made a move on the guy she's been dribbling over since year seven." She cackled at me and I playfully punched her as we continued to walk side by side, riding the horses through the trees. Ryan and Oscar had ridden out of sight, they were probably racing or something. Typical boys, always competitive.

"Speaking of dribbling over him since year seven..." I began and Katie lifted her eyebrows. "I told him that I've liked him since then." 

"And...?" She spoke with wide eyes. 
"He's liked me since year nine." I couldn't wipe the smug look off my face as I told Katie this. 


♢ Matt ♢

I walked into Rhi's office, leading Rachel in with my hand on the small of her back. I dropped my hand when I saw Jess and Kayla sat in the room.

Jane's little sheep had managed to catch me and Rachel while we were getting a bit funky. We thought we weren't going to be found, I mean, who goes creeping around the laser tag arena at midnight?

Oh well, we had to face Rhi now and I was expecting the worst.

"Thank you for your time girls, you can leave now." Rhi said, shooing them out of the room. They got up and Jess gave me a sickly sweet smile before replacing it with a scowl. Yep, she was definitely Jane's friend.

When they had left, Rhi calmly asked us to take a seat.

"Look, I can explain-" I tried to start talking but Rhi interrupted me.
"I don't need an explanation if I'm honest Matt. Kayla and Jess explained enough to me. But I must ask, I hope you used protection."
"Of course we did." Rachel spoke up.
"Good." Rhi seemed to relax. "I don't really want my camp to be responsible for any teenage pregnancies thank you very much." She chuckled to herself.

"You're not mad at us?" I asked, knowing it was a risky question, Rachel knew it too and she squeezed my hand.
"Of course I'm mad, I just can't be bothered with the paperwork of throwing you out of camp." We both instantly relaxed and let go of a deep breath.
"Thank you, I promise it won't happen again." Rachel pleaded towards Rhi.

Rhi laughed. "I don't care if it happens again, just use protection and don't get caught. I was your age once. Now, get going before I change my mind." She winked at us both which was really cringe worthy.

"Thank you Rhi." Me and Rachel spoke in sync and left the office.

"I can't believe that just happened." Rachel said and we both burst out laughing.
"Neither can I, I thought she was going to throw us out!" I said seriously.
"Rhi isn't like that, I've come to this camp for the past seven years and I know that quite frankly, she couldn't care less." Rachel spoke before wrapping her arms around my neck and pulling me into a kiss. My hands held her waist.

A door opened behind us.
"You're pushing your luck, go get a room." Rhi called from the office with amusement in her tone.

Learning A Lake ✔حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن