Saving Her

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"What does he want?" I asked Thor irritated. "Bonnie is dying! And without a cure to save her! I rather be back there with her instead of wasting another second." Thor nods his head. "I know, brother. He has not told me. Just said to bring you to the lab. And that he need us both present." Thor said. With a grumble I let Thor lead me to the Lab. When we got there I notice that the whole team was there as well. "Thank you for finally gracing us with your presence." Tony said. I rolled my eyes.
"Now that you guys are here I can start." Tony said. "And why is it that we have all been summoned?" I asked Stark. "Why do you think? Bonnie ofcourse!" Tony said. "Stark belives that he found a way to actually save Bonnie." Clint says. "I don't believe I have. I know I have." Tony said. "Okay. How?" I asked.

"That is a good question. When Bruce left to be the bare of bad news I was testing another one of Bonnie's blood samples. I was taking a live video recording to see if there would be any changes. There wasn't. But then I was playing with this shocking pen Pepper gave me for Christmas. And since I didn't have Bruce to shock I shocked the blood sample. Sad, I know."

"And then this amazing thing happened! The blood cells reacted to the shock. They were still black but weren't as shriveled as they were before. A pulse of electricity came from all of the cell and together they all started fading back to their original color." "And?" Clint asked. "The shock worked with the sample. It didn't need a vaccine or a serum. It just need energy. But not the human kind-life force-Bonnie took from those people." Tony said."So. You're saying that if we shock Bonnie that it would be enough to give the Expression the energy it needs, but will also neutralize it from her completely. And she will be okay. Back to normal." I said. "Ding! We've got a winner!" Tony said. "But how would we do it?" Thor asked. "Kinda like shock therapy. Or reviving someone. We wire her body to Thor's hammer-the more energy the more it will work-shock her a few times until the veins go away. But I don't really know how this will effect Bonnie." Tony said. "Physically?" Bruce asked. "Mentally. It could effect her so bad that she could suffer, most likely from memory loss. Hopefully nothing else. I think. I'm not sure." Tony said.

"How far back?" Steve asked. "From the point to when she got to New York." Tony said. "Could there be something that you can do Loki? A spell or something that would let her keep her memories?" Natasha asked. "Yes. But they won't be memories to her. Instead I'll have to turn them into dreams that she'll have. Make them be more like a fantasy. But she will always have a feeling there not. But won't believe it." I said. "So she'll have the memories as dreams, but won't think that their real." Steve said. I nod my head. "The same dreams. Different days. Every night." I said. "As long as we get the old Bonnie back that's all that matters to me." Tony said. "Um, should we take a vote on this?" Clint asked. "Actually, Clint. I think Loki should decide." Bruce said.

"Yes." I said. Tony clapped his hands together. "Let's get everything situated. Thor summon your hammer, Bruce help me hook it up, Nat and Clint go with Loki to secure Bonnie and make sure she doesn't grab his neck and kill him." Tony said. Everybody nods their heads. I turn to leave when Thor grabs my arm."Brother, are you sure you want to do this?" Thor asked. "I can't let Bonnie die. Saving her is all that is important to me...even if it means losing her as well." I said. Thor let's go of my arms. "Lets just hope that Tony knows what he's doing."

"Where are you taking me?" Bonnie asked. Clint and Natasha was holding Bonnie by her arms. The rest of her body dragged on the floor. She struggled to keep her head up and look back at me. "The lab. We are going to save you, my love." I said. "I thought there wasn't a cure." she said. "There is. But one that won't come from a needle." I said. The doors to lab opened and we walked in. A bed was placed in the center of the room. Along side it was Thor's hammer. Wires were connected to it. And onto some straps that laid in the bed. Clint and Natasha placed Bonnie on the bed. Quickly strapping her down. Bonnie looked all around.

"What's going on?" She asked. I sat down on the bed. "Bonnie Never forget that I love you." I said. "Loki?" She asked. I grabbed her hand. Stark started sticking plugs all over her body. "When this is over you'll be okay. But you won't remember me. I hope you do, but you probably won't. It was a decision I had to make. I want you to live. I need you too. And be happy." I said. " This isn't goodbye." She whispered. Tears streaming down her cheeks. "No, little one. This isn't." I said. I gave her a kiss on the head before backing away.

Tony pulled out a remote. "This will help me control how much energy goes into each shock from the hammer. You sure you want to watch this?" Tony asked. "I'm not leaving until I know she's okay." I said. "Get ready kid," Tony said to Bonnie. "This is gonna sting."

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