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BonnieP.O.V.(A week later)

I was in my college dorm bringing in the last box of my stuff. Caroline and Elena would be back soon. For the past week I went to mystic falls with Jeremy and told everyone that I was back. Caroline was probably the most out of everyone that was the happiest. I got the tips of my hair dyed green and it was straight. "Is that the last one?" Caroline asked coming through the door. "Yeah." I said. "Its good to have you here with us." Elena said.

'When you feel my heat look into my eyes' I picked up my phone and saw it was a text. I smiled before putting my phone away. "I got to go and get my new schedule. There was a last minuet change." I said. "Alright." They said. I started walking towards the door. "Hope you and Loki have fun." Caroline said. I turned around and she gave me a wink as Elena looked confused. "Who's..Loki?" she asked. "I'll tell her. Go!" Caroline said. I nod my head and run out the door.


"So how was it? Being back home?" Loki asked. We sat outside on a bench. I was sitting on his lap playing with his long hair while he was rubbing my leg. "It was great. But I missed you. Caroline flipped when I told her we were together but she's fine now." I said. "What about your other friends?" he asked. "I didn't tell them. Caroline is telling Elena. I'm just scared how's she's gonna react." I said."Why?"Loki asked.

"Cause I don't want her to judge you on what happen in the past." I said. "So let her judge me, I don't care." he said. He cupped the side on my face. He kissed my lips and I kissed back. I wrapped my arms around his neck. He took his hand away from my face and put in behind my back while he slid his other hand up my thigh. I stopped his hand and pulled away.

"Loki,not here." I said putting my hands on his chest.He started to kiss my neck and I leaned my head back and pulled at his hair. He tried to slide his hand up my skirt again but I stopped him."Loki,Im serious. I have to get to class!" I said.He pouted.

"Can't you just skip today and go tomorrow?"he asked."Loki I'm not going to skip my first day."I said.He sighed as my watch beeped. "I got to go. You still coming to the party?" I asked. "Yeah." he said. I gave him a kiss on the check before getting up and he got up to giving me another kiss."Bye!" I said before running inside.


It was night and me and Caroline were getting ready for the party. I finished my hair as I got to dresses from the closet. "Okay which one. Green dress,black straps with the golden belt or purple and black?" I asked. "Green." she said. I nod my head put on the dress. "Where's Elena?" I asked. "She's already down stairs, probably looking for Damon." Caroline said rolling her eyes.

I put on my black flats then but my hair to the side. "Caroline when are you gonna let it go? Elena's happy, we should be happy for her." I said."I am but..Elena isn't good on making the right choices. Breaking up with Stefan,bad choice.Dating Damon,bad choice!" she said. I shook my head and laughed. "Coming on,Bonnie.You know I'm right." She said. "Care this is Damon and-"

"Yes! It's Damon! Remember? The guy who in the past used me as his human blood bag and erased my memories. I don't ever think I'm gonna let that go." she said. "Well you don't have too, but Elena is our friend.Even if she has a bad choice in boyfriends it doesn't mean anything." I said. She sighed. "Come on let's go down to the party. I said. I grabbed her hand and lead her down stairs.

Music was blasting and people were dancing. I left Caroline to go and look for Loki. After a while I gave up until I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned around to see Caroline. "Loki's here!" she said. "Where?" I asked. She leans to the side and grabbed someone's arm pulling them out. Loki stumbles a little but then fixes himself before giving me a smile. "Hey." I said. Loki picks up my hand and kisses it. "Well I'll leave you to it!" Caroline said before running off.

"Wearing my colors now Bonnie?" Loki asked a smirk on his face."Oh shut it! I've been wearing green and black before I met you." I said. He held out his hand. "Shall we dance?" he asked. I put my hand in his and he spines me around, my back against his chest as we swayed to the beat. "So how's your brother?" I asked. "Fine. Probably at home eating away at the Christmas present I got him." He said. "How about the others?" I asked."Bruce is working on a new experiment.Natasha and Clint our out on missions. Steve is out going around the world.Tony is being a pain in the ass as always." Loki said. "Thank god he isn't here. If him and Damon met I would probably kill them both." I said. "Damon?"Loki asked. "He's my friend Elena's boyfriend.She used to date his little brother but...things happened." I said.

"Do you like him?" Loki asked. "As a friend? Hell no! I can't stand him. If it wasn't for Elena he would be dead already." I said. Loki kissed my neck. I laughed. "You must have really missed me." I said. "I did." he said. "That or now that I'm back your just incredibly horny." I said looking up at him. "I think both." he said giving me a kiss on the head and I laughed again.He went back to kissing my neck."Bonnie."Loki stopped and looked up as we both looked at Elena."Loki this is Elena,my other friend." I said.

"Hi." Loki said. Elena gave him a nod. "I was just wondering if you had seen Caroline. I need to talk to her about something." Elena said. "Um..she went that way last we saw her." I said pointing to the right. She nods her head. "Thanks." she looks at Loki before looking back at me with a small smile. "See ya Bonnie. Nice meeting you Loki." she said before going to the right. "I don't think she likes me." Loki whispered in my ear. "She'll warm up to you." I said. "Come with me." Loki said. He grabbed my hand and led me out of the party.


Loki took me to a house that he bought that was a few blocks away from campus. It was nice and not that big. I was looking around in Loki's room. He had books, lots of books. I went up to a candle and flicked my hand lighting it. I sighed in relief. "Enjoying yourself?" I turned around to see Loki leaning against the door frame. "On the other side we couldn't use our magic, I thought I would give it a try." I said.

"You still got it." he said. He grabbed my arm and he sat down on the bed putting me on his lap. "I have a gift." he said. He pulled out a white rose. "A white rose?" I asked him. "Touch it." he said. "Loki you know what happens-" "Just try it,please." he said. I put my hand up and with one of my fingers touched one of the petals and pulled away. It didn't die. A smile graced my face.

"The expression. Do you think when I died it went away?" I asked. "Yes. Now you won't have to be scared of killing flowers." he said. I wrapped my arms around his neck. "I love you." I said. "I love you too." he said. I pulled him into a kiss and he pushed me down on the bed. I took of his shirt and he started kissing down my neck as I had my hand.

Third PersonP.O.V.

Bonnie and Loki were in bliss. Happy that the dark magic was over and she could be in control of her magic. But what they didn't notice was the white floor that was on the floor that quickly died as black veins consumed it's petals.

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