Caged Animal

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When I woke up my vision was normal and I didn't feel tired anymore. I turned onto my side and was greeted with glass. I got up and looked around. I was in a glass cage. A big glass cage. I looked and saw I pas sleeping on a glass bed with a little blanket on it. How did I get here? Where I am i?!

"HEY!" I yelled. I walked up to the glass and started bounding on it. "HELLO?! IS ANYONE THERE?! HEY!!!!" I yelled. "Bonnie." I turned around and saw Fury. "Nick...whats going on?" I asked. "I think you know what's going on Bonnie." he said. "No, I don't." I said.

"What do you remember?" He asked. "I left Loki's house, Tony had just came back with Thor and I went into a garden, there was this girl and everything turned black... I guess I passed out." I said. "Bonnie since you are unaware, I will show you this video Stark took of you after you left, he followed you into the garden hid behind a tree." A screen appeared on the glass. A video started play.

I walked into the garden, the black veins on my arms still there. They were up to my elbows. My eyes were fighting to stay open. I remember I was really tired. "Hey, you okay?" Me in the video looked up as a short girl with black hair and grey eyes came into the garden. She had a concern look on her face. "Yeah I'm fine." I said. "Oh god! your arms!" she said. "It's fine." I said. "I'm gonna go get-" she got cut off as my hands were wrapped around her neck. "Your not going to tell anyone." I said and I watched my eyes turn white.

I closed my eyes as I mumbled the word energy. The black veins that were on my arms went down and onto the a girls neck. She started to choke as a big black hole appeared in the middle of her chest. A white light spread up my arms and I let go of the girl. She dropped to the ground, dead. I opened my eyes back up and they were still white. Suddenly something hit me on the back of the head knocking me out. I fell to the ground as Tony came into the scene the arm part of his Iron mans suit was next to my body.

"After Stark knocked you out with his arm he called me and brought you here." Nick said as the video ended. I was quite and still as I continue to look at the blank screen. "Bonnie?" Nick asked. "I...I killed her." I said. "Yes." He said. "And Rick...I killed him too." I said. "Yes. Would you like to tell me why you killed them?" "I didn't know! I don't remember killing Rick or that girl! But I did it...that video was the proof." I said.

"Stark is going to be running some test on you and your behavior. Try to figure out why your acting like this. So until them you have to stay in here." he said. "Like a Caged animal?" I asked. "Its for the safety of everyone. I can't risk letting you leave." he said. "Do the others know where I am? Does Loki, and Caroline-" "They don't know. Until Stark figures out what's wrong your not leaving and no one is going to know where you are." He said. Nick sighed.

"I know your not a murder Bonnie, you have nothing bad that happened to you that would you make into one. I know your a good person. Just give Stark time and you'll be out of here." he said. I nod my head as Nick starts to walk away. I drop down onto the floor and stare at the ground. What is going on with me?

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