The Volunteer

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I was walking on the streets in New York. Snow crunched under my shoes as I walked along, looking through windows of the decorated stores. I already got Thor his present,so that was done and over with. But I wanted to get Bonnie something, I just didn't know what. I walked into what Bonnie told me was a Starbucks and sat down in a chair. I looked down at my hands in thought.

What to give her? I wanted it to be something special. Something that would mean a lot to her."Your Loki,right?" I looked up to see a tanned colored girl with short, black hair. "Yes." I said. "My names Daniel. I saw you on the news fighting with the avengers during that big attack a few months ago with. That girl was Bonnie Bennett." she said.

"How do you know Bonnie?" I asked. "I don't. Her Grandmother used to teach at my college before she died. She knew I was a witch." She said. "What do you want?" I asked just wanting to get to the point. "I followed you, and I saw you pull out a paper with a resurrection spell a few minutes ago. I know that Bonnie died bringing Jeremy back-" "I'm sorry. But how do you know all this?"I asked.

"Witches on the other side talk, and I want to volunteer." she said. I raised an eyebrow. "Volunteer for what?" "You need a living being to bring back someone from the dead to do the spell." She said. "So you want to give Bonnie your life." I said. "Yes." she said. "What's the catch?" I asked. "There is no catch. All my family members died during your little attack in New York. I was the only one who survived. They were all witches or warlocks, they all be on the other side." she said. "So you just want to be reunited with your family, that's all?" I asked.

"Yes." she said. "Alright. Meet me at Stark Tower in the lobby tomorrow." I said. She smiled. "Thank you. I'll see you tomorrow!" she said before running out the door.



"Honey, I'm home!" Loki said as he stepped inside my room. I was on my bed and smile as I saw him. I stood up and made my way towards him. "Hey! How was-" Loki cut me off with a kiss. He pulled away with a big smile on his face. "Okay why so happy?" I asked. "I got your Christmas gift." he said. My eyes light up and I bounced up and down. "What is it?Can I have it now?" I asked. "Not till tomorrow." he said and I pouted. "Trust me,love. It will be worth the wait." he said.

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