Blue Eyes

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"We can stay here. No one hasn't set a foot in here for years." Jeremy said. We were in an old cemetery."So what's next?" I asked. "You bring down the other side and we can be together again." he said. "Jeremy I still don't understand how your here." I said. "A witch brought me back. But she played the price in the end. She died bringing me back." he said.

"Did you know her?" I asked. "Never met her. All she said was that she had to bring me back and then she would be free." He said. "Free from what?" I asked. He shrugged his shoulders. "Beats me." I nod my head. I grabbed a knife out of Jeremy's bag. "Catch!" I said as I threw it. He caught it but it cut is hand. "Dammit Bonnie! What the hell?!" he said and I stepped back. "Your eyes." I said. They were glowing blue before going back to brown. "Bonnie I can explain-" "Your being controlled by the tesseract!" I said.

"Yes. The lady that brought me back with the spell was controlled by the tesseract too. She was wearing these strange clothing. And when she died I touched her and there was a shock and next thing I know there are voices in my head telling me to do things I don't want to do!" he said. "I killed 24 people In different parts of new your and they all center to here. If you don't do this spell the person controlling me will kill me." he said. "This isn't happening. Why didn't you tell me before Jer?" I asked.

"I was scared okay!" He said. I grabbed his hand with the cut on it and it started to heal. "You don't have to be scared. I can protect you. You were trying to protect me when you said that the avengers and Loki were going to turn on me. I can help you. I'll do the spell." I said. "He wants you bring all the supernatural beings here. He wants them to be his new army.he lets me go and let's them be under the tesseract control and then I'm free."he said.

"Okay. Give me the rock." I said. He takes it out and puts it in front of me. "Bonnie this is going to take a lot of magic, and there will be consequences you might not be the same." he said. "I haven't been the same since the expression has been running through me, so I really don't care." I said as I put my hands on the rock.


"12 people all stuck in an invisible barrier." Steve said. We made it to a museum far from Stark tower. " Its shaped in a triangle, they were burned alive but not with gasoline and a match. JARVIS said it started with just water. Probably Bonnie's doing." Stark said. "This is all my fault, I shouldn't have tried to kill her. I lost all her trust,and love." I said. "Its not your fault brother."Thor said. "Your right Thor. It's his fault!" I said pointing to Tony. "How is this my fault?" Tony asked.

"If it wasn't for you sending your suit to kill her none of this would have happened!" I said. "A, I didn't send it two kill her and B, someone hacked into my suit!" Tony said. "Do you know how?" Steve asked. "No, I was the last person that was in the lab and I checked the footage." Tony said. "But how do we explain how the suit and stark was connect to each other, it couldn't be Bonnie cause it looked like she thought he was inside the suit." I said.

"I think we've been going at this wrong. Who ever did this has been waiting for the right time to get Bonnie to the point were she could lose it." Bruce said. "It could be that kid." Clint said. "He's a mortal named Jeremy and no he could be able to hack into stark suits." I said. I thought about it. "The suits eyes were blue." I said. "Yeah, so are some if my other suits." Tony said. "Not regular blue, tesseract blue." I said. "Your saying that my suit was being controlled by the tesseract?"Tony asked. "Its a possibility." I said. The sky started to get darker and the wind started to pick up.

"What's going on?"Natasha asked. "The start of your end." we turned around and saw Jeremy. "You." I said glaring at him. "Where's Bonnie?" I asked. "Far from here. Soon this mortal body will be free from my control and I will have a new army." he said his eye glowing a bright blue. "The other..i should have guessed. Bring back Jeremy and using his body to win her over." I said. "You failed I had to take matters in my own hands. You will die Loki son of Odin or should I say Laufey. But you won't die at me hands but by the hands of the person you care about most. I'm going to let her destroy you and this world." he said.

He spread his arms out. His eyes flashed from blue back to brown before collapsing to the floor."Jeremy!" I looked up as I saw Bonnie. She was wearing a black laced drees, black eye shadow and lipstick and her eyes were white. She ran over to him and glared at me. "What did you do to him!" she asked. "Bonnie we didn't do anything." Steve said. "Lies!" she said. I noticed a lot of people behind her and all of there eyes were blue.

"So this is the army. Good thing their easy to kill.with no portal." Tony said. "I have the vail of the other side down for 72 hours, so if you kill them they come back again and again." Bonnie said.

"Bonnie stop,don't let the darkness of the magic posses you,this is madness!" I said. "No. What was madness is thinking I could actually love a monster like you!" she said and her words stung. "Kill them." she said and the army can running at us.

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