Telling Bruce

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Tyler is age 11 in this chapter. (Tyler's POV)

As I walk back into the manor after my first date with Roy, I was greeted by a smug little Grayson. I sighed and rolled my eyes.

"How did it go, Tyler? Did you smoochy smoochy?" Dick questions adding a smirk into his tone.

" went great! And noooo.... me and Roy did NOT make out." I replied adding a lot of anger to my tone, making Dick run upstairs in fear. Bruce strolls out and hugs me. I instantly hug back, smiling.

"Bruce...I need to talk to you about somethings I've discovered." I state with fear in my tone. Bruce nods in concern and takes me into his study. I take a seat on the couch in there and Bruce sits next to me.

"Did Roy get you pregnant?" Bruce sternly asks. I shake my head violently, indicating a 'no' answer. Bruce sighs in relief and his balled fists loosen.

" you may or may not know...I have been limping and wincing in pain for a few years. The reason for that is 'cause," I pause in fear before continuing, "I'm Fallout. Even though, I declined the offer with you, when I five, I was teleported into another universe where I bumped into the Batman there. He trained me and I became Fallout. Needless to say, when I came back here, it was the morning of when I left, however, it was five months on the other Earth. I managed to make a teleporter to travel across the multiverse to help fight crime."

"You what?" Bruce states, fear fills my body instantly, "You could have told me sooner."

"But...I recently went to an universe which I called Earth 10. When I arrived, I saw this family who were running from the villains...those villains were the Justice League and Injustice League. I nearly got myself killed. I felt scared...alone...abandoned..." I start to silently cry which Bruce pulls me in close to him. I hug him tight which nearly breaks...his ribs... I pull away as he looks at me in confusion.

"Tyler, how are you so strong? No ten year old is that strong." Bruce states with a question.

"That brings me to point number two," I sigh before continuing, "I don't think my father who raised me is my real father. I don't have any resemblance to him nor personality. My father... my real father in another universe gave me these glasses...his glasses. I look like him, occasionally act like him and I have his personality." I gently place the thick black rimmed frame on her face, "My real father is Clark Kent...aka Superman."

Bruce's eyes widen in disbelief but he keeps the emotionless face. He hugs me and I hug back.

"So you're half Krypto-"

"Full mom's Kryptonian and Dad's obviously Kryptonian. I ran a blood test. I'm assuming that Daniel and Alex are the same as me...Kryptonian."

Bruce gets up and tells me that he'll call Clark and tell him to call the rest of the Leaguers. I'm scared as hell for it.

(Bruce's POV)

As I leave the study to call Clark, I start to piece the puzzles and questions together. She did resemble Clarke. The way she acted was like she was broken and hiding something through a hard nutshell. I pick up the phone and dial Clark

(C=Clark, B=Bruce)

C: Hello? Kent residence. How may I help you?

B: Hello Clark. It's Bruce. Call the rest of the League and tell them to get to the Watchtower asap.

C: Okay...but why?

B: You'll find out...soon enough.

I hang up then walk back into the study. Tyler is still sat there, gazing out the window. Tyler glances at me and gives a single nod before running out the room to go into hers. Turning the hands of the clock to 10:48, it brings memories of my parents' death. I walk down the stairs into the cave only to find Fallout, aka Tyler, standing there waiting for me. The suit is similar to Dinah's suit but it has a bit of blue on it. Why?

Anyways...I suit up and the both of us head towards the teleporter. I make a code for Tyler before I enter the teleporter.

"Recognized Batman 01. Recognized Fallout 00." The Watchtower computer states.

(Tyler's POV)

I walk through the teleporter since mine will be classed as an intruder.

"Recognized Fallout 00." The Watchtower Computer states. I feel and see eyes stare at me.

Great...just what I wanted. Being classed as a fucking threat because I'm new to the watchtower.

"Why did you call us, Batman?" Superman asks. I stand there, staying silent but also knowing that I'll get a pounding of questions from everyone and I won't be accepted by Clar- I mean Dad.

"I call everyone hear today because we were tracking down who Fallout is." Batman gestures to me then single nods at me.

"I went a great length to hide who I am only to find out that I wasn't really that person in the first place." I confidently state in a ashamed tone, leaving all the members apart from Batman confused. I slowly remove my mask the I hear a couple of shocked gasps and whispers, "Hi... my name is Tyler Jones. I'm ten years old and I've recently found out some of my powers but also...who my Dad is." I look at Superman and place the glasses from my utility belt on my face. Again, a few gasps could be heard, "- and I found out that I'm  a Kryptonian...Superman's daughter."

I look, down ashamed of what I just said when I felt two strong arms wrap themselves around me. Cautiously, I look up only to see a smiling Supes. Smiling back, I hug him tightly back.


"Daughter. My special princess." At that moment, I pull away and give him the 'are you fucking serious look'.

"Nu uh. Don't call me that. I'm not a princess, I'm a badass who was trained by Batman so Superbat would do."I state, leaving him to chuckle. I roll my eyes and hug him, saying," You also have twin sons who just turned two last month."

~Time skip by Bucky's metallic arm~

(Still Tyler's POV)

It's been a few hours since I reunited with my dad. Dad, Bruce and I devised a plan. I would spend 5 months in the manor then five months with my dad then repeat. I will be telling my brothers about the plan and dad because they'll be doing the same thing as me. I will probably decide to stay where I want when I'm 12 and the boys will probably spend their life with dad but come to visit for a while.

The plan will start on New Year's Day. I'll go to my dad's until the end of May then go back to the manor on the first of June until the end of October on Halloween.

Today has been amazing...

Me and Bruce arrive back at the manor.

"Miss Tyler, there's a package for you in your room." Alfred speaks.

"Thanks Al." I thank him before running into my room.

I found the package and rip the paper off it. Opening the box, I and writing and notes. I picked up the letter.

Dear my beautiful daughter but worse enemy, Tyler,

The mini detective has figured out who her father really is but it's too late. You're a monster, a freak, my little universal weapon. Just the wrong move and...BOOM! Everyone dies. You're the one who'll destroy the Justice League. Also, say Hi to your new baby brother...Jesse.

Love From Reflex, your mother. 

Sorry for the inactivity. School's got in the way. This will be continued in the next chapter as well as the court of Owls.

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