Earth 6 Trip (Flashback)

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Tyler's age is 5.

Major note: this is what happened after Universal Travels.


A figure stood behind me, the shadow covering mine in the dim street light. Turning around, I look up in shock...


It was Bruce. He seemed like I was a stranger so, natural instincts here... I acted like he knew me, oh how wrong I was.

"Hey Bruce. I don't know how I got here. I was in the manor then -" I state in a casual manner before he interrupts me, in his darker voice.

"Who are you? How do you know who I am?" I give him a 'seriously?' look but he just gives me the batglare. I sigh, knowing that the blue lightning was some sort of teleportation thingy which sent me to another universe. Dragging myself off the floor, two teenaged boys stood behind this universes Bruce, glaring at me and muttering stuff about me.

"Name's...That's classified information. How can I trust you? All I know is that I'm not in the right universe, meaning I can't trust anyone, resulting in you not having your answers. How do I know you're not evil?" I state and question at these men, clearly trying to act tougher than them. Then they burst out laughing apart from Bruce who just hugs me, which in any case, shocks the teens and myself but I hug back.

"You can trust us but how can we trust you?" Batman questions whilst pulling away. I just stay silent, thinking of my answer. My Bruce doesn't know that I remember him as Batman so I can't explain but I can show them!

"You can't. I'm a stranger from another Earth. Also, I shouldn't be on any databases nor facial recognition software but all I know is that the Batman in my universe took me in and that's how I know who you are. The other two, I have know clue but I'm guessing for the black and blue suited bird, he's Dick Grayson." I reply. The black and blue suited teen's face dropped from his amazing smile to a shocked expression whilst the Robin guy is still laughing. Bruce just smiles and pulls me close to him.

(7 minutes Later)

We arrive at Earth 6's batcave. Yes, I have named the Earth because I took six minutes to wake up soooo that's why. I see the Justice League standing there. I jump out the batcave with Robin and Dick aka Nightwing. Surprisingly he was the one who told me so I understand. The rest gives Bruce these glares then looks at me. As Bruce gets out, he give me a signal so I can talk.

"Before you blame Bruce, let me explain." I spoke calmly which shocked them, "My name's Tyler. I'm five years old and I'm in the wrong universe. To me, this is basically a similar reality to mine but this Robin doesn't exist or hasn't appeared in the timeline. I know who you lot are 'cause Bruce told me and I've snuck into the cave whilst my universes Batman was on patrol." I ended it with an innocent smile and I was welcomed into their universe. 

(A week later)

After that day, I trained and trained with Bruce, Dick and Jason aka the Robin. He was reaaaally cool. I mean like, he does have anger issues but he's cool and funny. Dick was hilarious! He would make me laugh and pull these funny faces which made my day. Wally and Roy were there so me, Dick, Roy and Wally would have nerf gun battles in the training room when we weren't training. Occasionally, I did train with the Justice League so I quickly learnt awesome Superman style take downs. Everyone commented that I looked like Clark which was weird.

Soon, I became Fallout. I loved it but I preferred the Weapon because it sounded cooler but had that murderous feel to it. To be honest, I missed my family; Bruce, Dan, Alex, Alfred...even Dick. Jason could tell that I missed home so he asked Barry what I should do. Barry quickly shrug it off and I took it upon myself to build a teleporter to get home.

(Three weeks of building a teleporter)

It's been three weeks since I started building the teleporter and a month since I arrived on Earth 6. Break through!!! I managed to create and build a working universal teleporter which I started to sob. I could finally go home. Rushing around the place, I cried my goodbyes. Especially to Bruce, Jason, Dick, Wally and Roy. Also, I managed to get my Fallout stuff and a blood sample from a certain Kryptonian.

In a blink of an eye, I was back in my room at the Manor so I hid my stuff, teleporter and blood sample in a closed tube under my bed and sprinted into the same pyjamas that I disappeared in before Alfred walked in.

"Morning Miss Jones. Did you have a good night's sleep?" Alfred politely asked, I nodded before asking.

"What date is it?" Alfred pointed to my Markiplier calendar which said 26th of November 2007. A glimpse of a confused smile appeared on my face as Alfred walked out, "So...what other universes are there to explore? Fallout is gonna save the multiverse." A smirk of triumphant appears on my face.

I would like to end this chapter on a cliff hanger which will lead into more flashbacks or a twist in a future chapter. Anyways, after this book I will make another book similar to this but with Jason Todd x Reader (aka Tyler Jones).

This is one of my longest chapters so I'm so so sorry that this is nearly 1000 words so yeah...hehe.

Please enjoy so of the inspired work and I'll do a cast list for this so that you get an idea of what the characters look like. 

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