Earth 10 Hatred

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Tyler is 10 in this chapter.

(Tyler's P.O.V.)

So today, I was watching Dick train with Bruce. You're probably thinking that I should be training with them well I watching. It's how I train. Bruce doesn't know that I'm Fallout and I intend to keep him in the dark about this, he would probably stop me from patrolling and going on missions so I'm being extra careful.

Anyways, they think I'm doing homework but really? I'm looking into the Court of Owls. Apparently, they have a link with me and my brothers but what link? Bruce in Earth 6 mentioned them and they seem interesting but I've been warned not to go in alone. Too late, I work alone. The music blasted into my headphones, playing If you can't hang by Sleeping with Sirens.

This all makes me wonder if this was ment to happen; the bullying, the torment, the meeting, the universe travel. Was it all set up?

"Tyler, your up!" Dick shouts, making me slam my laptop shut and pulling my headphones out of my ears. Slowly getting up, I stroll over to Bruce before getting into a fighting stance. He aims for my lower back which I easily dodge and sweep him off his feet, making a THUMP sound. Alfred runs in, panicking but calms down as he sees Bruce on the floor and me towering over him. I chuckle to myself as I collect my items and casually walk upstairs to my room, leaving everyone in shock.

Closing the door, I place my teleporter on my small wrist.

"Time to go to Earth 10. See what's there." I tell myself. At this point, I knew everything about all the Earths up to nine. Ten was next on my list. Logic overload and stupidity here. I take NOTHING but a BATARANG! I'm so stupid for doing that. Oh well, I went to Earth 10 was unusually quiet. Too quiet.

A young couple with their two sons walk over to me.

"Dear you shouldn't be he-" The female spoke but paused as she saw my face. She was in her early thirties like her husband. The older child was 10, the younger child was 9.

"Who are you? Why'd you look like my wife!" The older male demands. I opened my mouth slightly but closed it as I saw his face. Roy. Roy Harper in his thirties.

"Name's Tyler Jones. I'm not from this universe thus explaining why I look like your wife aka my doppelganger. It probably won't make sense but what happened her? Why is it deadly quiet?" I state in a questionable manner. The four of them glare at each other before looking at me, sympathetically.

"You probably know, I'm Roy Harper. One of the only heroes who is protecting this universe. Our greatest enemies are the Injustice League. They have control over everything, we're the only ones defending Earth. WE need as much help as possible." Roy pleads to me, I have to help them. They're basically family and it's the right thing to do.

BOOM! Eruptions from the ground shook the whole Earth. This can't be good. Two men walked towards the family and I. Nerves struck the family so they ran. However, I stayed still, standing my ground. Revealing themselves to can't...

"Batman. Superman. Or should I call you Bruce and Clark." I growled out, still standing my ground. They give me death glares so I silently gulp.

"How do you know who we are?" Bruce demands, voice rising slightly which doesn't scare me. I kept silent but my famous silent smirk appeared anonymously, low level mutters could be heard from Clark which...I heard? How? I don't have super...hearing? Why am I not surprised that I'm the daughter of Supes. It's obvious that I think about it now; the looks, the skills, the need for glasses, the need to be secretive. Well, I've learnt something today.

Crimson red anger laser bolts sprinted towards me. Back flipping, I managed to dodge the bolts before getting wacked in the face by a blurry...figure?

Oh fuck I thought to myself in a sarcastic way. Thanks Jaybird and it wasn't weird that I swore. I normally do when Jace was around. Anyways, with that blur, I threw my batarang at Batman which luckily caught him off. Dashing into an abandoned building, I took cover behind a crate which was cracked...great. Something clicked and I was blasted into a park full of kids and parents. They ran in fear, screaming and squealing. 

The Flash went to attack me but sweep kicking him, knocked him to the cold concrete below. The fight got worst, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, Cyborg and Martian Manhunter joined the party. I blocked their attacks and pulled some of their moves which left them in confusion.

"She knows who we are! Capture her and take her back to the base, we'll torture her there." Bruce sternly instructed his team. Nods went around the group before looking at a smirk me.

"I'm surprised that you lot can't even guess who I am. Let's make it simple shall we?" I smirk as Bruce, Clark and Hal all growl evilly. Red struck their eyes like knives across the skin and blood running down the cold skin. Next thing I see was...Joker?!?!? Lowly, I growl at the disgusting sight of this psychotic maniac!

"Now...what should we do with her Brucie?" Joker laughs out before breaking into one of his manic laughs. At this point, I took the opportunity to sprint off and teleport to Earth 1, home. Finally!

"Miss Jones, Master Bruce wishes to see you in the cave." Alfred spoke poshly to me. I nod in return then he gives me a smile before walking out to probably do the washing. I threw on my Black Veil Brides' shirt, a checkered shirt, skinny black ripped jeans, a red beanie and some Batman converse before running down to see Bruce.

Entering the cave always scared me, one of the rare things that does scare me, I slowly walked over to Bruce and stood next to him.

"Tyler, you okay? You seem more mature than usual the past few years." Bruce questions before looking at me.

"Yeah...I'm okay, I think. I miss them. I miss them dearly. They didn't have to die. Why them?" I look down, almost like it was my fault and I was ashamed of it. Pulling me into a bear hug, Bruce holds me tight as I cry into his pitch black bat suit, hugging back. He was like my father... I can't tell him about my genetics yet. Wait a few weeks.

"You mentioned about entering a competition of music. The judges are Black Veil Brides. I agree, you can do it." Bruce encourages me which makes me smile,"Go build a band, you have a month unless your doing it solo." At this point, I've already ran off to the people I call my band.

Yes, I've created a band even before Bruce said yes. Funny, we were gonna do it even if Bruce said 'no'. We were the Outcasts of our family, the misfits who walked the streets. It's in our blood that we're misfits makes us stronger, stronger than ever. We're the family of friends. We're gonna win again the others who are all singing pop songs with a bit of "rock" to them. Yup, we did spy on the other bands to check the competition out and they sound awful. As I arrived at the studio which we rented to practice, I was greeted by a camera in my face.

"Tyler! Tyler! Say something! We're uploading this to your YouTube channel!" A male, roughly the same age as me blurts out. Chuckling at him, I get my breath before saying,

"Greetings fellow aliens and humans. I'm Tyler and this is four triggered." I state in a monologing tone whilst doing the channel's signature move with my hand which makes the three men laugh, "Here as you may know, these are my best friends, Scott and Luke, with their younger brother and my food buddy, Barry. Together, we are four triggered. Today, we are doing a vlog as the Band Comp. is literally in  day for Gotham." 

Scott stopped laughing, looking at me with a 'really?' look. I chuckled and nodded before taking the camera. After thirty minutes, we ended the recording and uploaded it to YouTube so that we could practice.

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