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Song is I'm Just a Kid - Simple Plan. Also, this is the backstory for Tyler. I'll get into the story after this.

Tyler's P.O.V. (Point of View)

Hi guys, Tyler Rogue Jones here and basically, I'll sum up my past for you. Please bare with my reality realm friend here 'cause school's a big thing and she hates it there, like an normal person. So here we go!

Early life:

So my early life didn't start off as I was planning to. My parents, aka Shadow Hunter and Reflex, two leaders of the Court of Owls, tortured me on my first week alive. How terrible, I know. Obviously at this time, things got worse. I was tortured more and a lot of people started hating on me when I was 2.

Other alter ego family:

From the age of 2, I was fostered by this extremely nice family called The Smiths. They had a 2 year old son named, Lewis. We were best friends until...until one day. Actually, our first day at Pre-school. A lot of kids ignored me then it turned into bullying.


Gotham. It's where I lived. At the age of 4, I ran away. I hated living with a family who ignored me and people bullying me. I couldn't take it anymore so I packed my stuff and ran away with it. No 4 year old should do that. Let alone in Gotham City, the hub city of Crime.

Anyways, I climbed up Gotham Bridge, ready to end it all. I stopped myself. Hearing voices, I shouted that I was insane and the voice said "you're not". No one has every said that but I was imagining it, right? Batman as in THE Batman was saving my life.

New Chance in life:

He took me to the Batcave where I said, during the journey there, that he was Bruce Wayne. He tried denying it but it failed. After explaining everything and that he was going to foster me, I felt happy. No one knew my idol was Batman. To be fair, no one talked to me.

I thought things could get better. Bruce trained me to be his protegé, The Weapon. He didn't like the name so I go by Fallout. I learnt how to hack and found out the Justice League's identities. Making new friends was easy after that, Wally and Roy are my Best friends. Roy especially. He's like me!

Save me:

I was still 4 but what I didn't know was that the JL members were recording me, every step I took was recorded. They watched the bullies beat me up. The older kids used knives and adults...the adults used guns. I wasn't harmed though.

Throughout one week near my birthday, I went on 5 school trips: Monday was S.T.A.R. Labs, Tuesday was Queen Industries, Wednesday was Lex Corp., Thursday was the Daily Planet and Friday was Wayne Enterprises. All five of them was the same routine. I asked to go to the bathrooms, they granted me permission, five boys followed me and dragged me into the boys' restrooms, they beat me up, walk out like nothing's happened. I walk out, beaten to a bloody pulp.

Monday, Caitlin Snow and Cisco Ramon stitched me up and called Barry. Tuesday, Felicity and Dinah found me then told Oliver and Ray. Wednesday, Mercy found me and I stayed with Luthor for the rest of the tour and afterwards then he took me to Wayne Manor. Thursday, Jimmy and Lois found me and took me to Clark. Finally, Bruce's personal assistant found me and took me to him.

Bruce, Luthor, Clark, Oliver and Barry decided to have a talk with the school about this. They even made an assembly about it but all the responses they got were "she's a freak!" or "she's a failure". They looked at the headteacher as the room fell silent. He spoke "She doesn't deserve to live." This pushed me over the edge. I ran out the room, grabbed my stuff and ran for Star City.

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