Chapter 9

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Rosemary grabbed her jacket, then went back to looking out the window. Everything was pitch black except the little dim street light glowing slightly in the darkness. The mysterious forest staring right back at you. 

"Is that where we're going?" 

She pointed her small finger at the spooky looking forest, which turned scarier and scarier by the second. 

"Yeah." I turned away from the window, and glared at Rosemary. "We're going to go find someone who can help us." 

"No more pain?"

"No more pain." 

She smiled slightly and I wiped the falling tear on her cheek. I hate to see her falling apart, because I know the exact feeling. It's not fun, especially as a little girl. 

"Everything is going to be okay." I smiled back, and held out my hand for her little one to hold. I didn't want her to know how truly terrified I was. If we don't get away with this, then we're dead. Rosemary gripped my hand even tighter, realizing the situation we were in. 

I took a deep breathe, preparing to take a big step toward a new beggining. 

I stepped out into the intimidating hallway, being cautious at where my mother could be.

"Come on Rose,"  I whispered to my little sister who was desperately waiting for my cue. "I think mom's in the shower."

She slowly made her way towards me, shoes in hand so they didn't make a sound.

"Okay. Dad's in the garage so we are going to have to be extremely sneaky. If he catches us outside, we might as well be dead."

Rosemary nodded, telling me she understood.

"Let's do this."

I step down the first stair, back against the wall. The wintriness wall pressing against me, the cold sinking through my jacket. I took very short breathes, trying not to attract any attention. We needed to get to the front of the house as quickly and quietly as possible. 

I quickly glided across the floor, getting to the front door as quickly as possible. Slowly turning the doorknob, I motioned for Rosemary to come forward. This is it. This is the moment we've been waiting for, for years. I took the first step to freedom, stepping out onto the porch. The sweet scent of fresh air filled my lungs. 

Rosemary stepped out right behind me, smiling as she saw the dark front yard. We were about to get out of this place. For good. The dark forest called our names as we stared back at it. 

"Are you ready?" I looked down at her excited eyes. Eagerness building up inside of her, ready to burst. 

"Ready." She responded. 

With that, I took her hand and ran as fast as I could across the yard. The wind blowing in my face felt amazing. Freedom is what I was feeling for the first time in my life, and it was the best feeling in the world. 

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