Chapter 1

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I looked down at the scars on my arm and sighed. When will I learn?

I'm not exactly your typical girl, I'm... different.

I'm picked on at school for being the way I chose to be - emo.

You see, the thing is, they don't know my story. They don't know what I have to go through at home. I don't have any friends... not one. My parents are abusive and always call me "A Mistake".  They knew exactly how they were going to treat me as soon as I was born. They named me Emberlynn, which means "The Lonely One." 

My full name? Emberlynn Khloe Miller. Otherwise known as 'The girl who cuts her self ' My little sister's name is Rosemary. I protect  that little girl with my life, she's all I have. I will do all of her chores, then take the beating for it because I would rather it be me, than her. She's only 9.

I'm 17, beat to death, and emo... not exactly your average teenager.

I'm probably the most insecure girl you could find, people will also call me 'A problem' or 'freak'. They laugh at my scars as if it's a joke, when really, they're the reason behind it.


I flinched at the sound of my mother calling my name. But I have to go do my chores anyway before they beat me again for the 3rd time just today. I fixed my jacket sleeves so they wouldn't see the dry blood that had dripped down my arm from earlier. If they saw that they weren't the only ones abusing my body, then they would beat me even more.

I reached the bottom of the stairs to find my mom standing there with a belt. Well, this is going to hurt.

"I told you to be down here two minutes ago. What held you up? Its not like you have a life anyways."

"I had to get my jacket..."

"What did I say about talking back?!" and she swung. The belt smacked against my skin with a loud, echoing slam, Leaving a long red mark on my cheek. A stinging sensation ran through my body as I came to realization of how hard she hit.

I put my hand on my cheek, protecting them from her as she lifted the belt up again.

"MOVE YOUR HANDS," I slowly dropped my hands to my side dreading the pain this is going to cause.

Smack. Right across my other cheek. The pain spread quickly and hurt more than usual.

"That should teach you not to talk back." She brought the belt down, showing me she was done for now, but I still flinched just in case. Normally, I try not to show my fear, but right now she was terrifying me. Her hair looks like it hasn't been brushed in days and her makeup was running as if she's been crying for hours. She was still in her tore-up silk night gown that she has had on all day. 

"Now get to doing your chores." I stood there for a few minutes, not wanting to move because of the pain. "NOW."

I quickly scurried to the kitchen and started scrubbing the floors. Just like every other day, I end up as their slave.  

Back and forth, back and forth, mopping this floor is practically my life. Clean, clean, clean. that's all I do. That's all I've ever done my entire life.

My dad entered the room and I ducked down, expecting him to hit me as he came in.

"Move. Your in they way."

"I'm always in the way." I whispered under my breath.

"Excuse you?" He turned around and I looked up at him, wide eyed. He wasn't supposed to hear that.

I didn't even have time to respond before he could pop me in the mouth. He hit the same spot as last time, causing my gum to bleed again. I held my jaw as he smiled in pleasure, enjoying every little thing he did.

"Now, what was that?" He bent down so we were face to face and I had to look him in his demonic eyes.


"That's what I thought." And with that, he got up and walked out of the kitchen. His heavy boots echoing down through the hallway, slowly fading.

I put the mop down into the bucket and leaned against the wall. A tear slipped down my cheek as slowly slid down the wall. As soon as I reached the bottom, I broke down crying. I felt like it was the only thing I could do. Cry.


I hope you guys like it! The song on the side is a good point of view of Emberlynn's little sister, Rosemary. The song is kind of like Rosemary is saying "I hear you saying you want to end your life, but we can get through this together." please take a couple minutes to listen to the song. Its very touching♥

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