Chapter 5

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All I could think about was how sweet Zeke had treated me today. He wasn't like the others, and surprising just found out about me. I don't know how he managed to go through this school year so far and not know who I am. I just knew he was going to take off when I showed him my scars but he didn't. Zeke took me by surprise. When he told me he's there for me when I need him, I've never smiled like that at anyone besides Rosemary. I never thought I would. But I did, and I meant it.

Rosemary's bus turned the corner. I saw Rosemary's crying face looking out the window and knew all hell was about to break loose.

Rose slowly stepped off the bus, along with a kid who tried to trip her down the few bus steps.

She looked at me with pleading eyes, as if not wanting me to create a scene.. but if you mess with my sister, you're messing with me too.

"Hey, irritating brat,"  He turned around, and I walked over to him, my height towering over him.

He had a terrified expression on his face, the face you make when parents yell at you.

"If you mess with my little sister again, don't expect to be able to walk for the next few weeks." I gave him a threatening  look as the kid ran back to his protective parents that actually care that he was just yelled at.. sometimes I wonder how that feels.. to have parents that actually care.

I wish I knew what it was like to have a normal teenage life. But I'll probably never know that..

I put my hand on Rosemary's shoulder, guiding her to the house. Preparing ourselves for what's coming.

I slowly unlocked the door and grabbed the doorknob with hesitation. Rosemary clung to my clothes, dreading the pain and horror that hid behind the door.

I was about to turn the doorknob when I stopped and just stood there, realizing what I was about to walk into. I bent down to Rosemary so I was her height.

"Rose, No matter what happens, I want you to stay strong. Don't show fear, don't cry." She looked down at the wood floor of the porch, I held her chin up so she had to look me in the eyes. "Promise?"

Her eyes sparkled like she was about to cry. "Promise." She held out her pinky. I smiled and made a 'pinky promise' with her.

"Come on, lets show them how much stronger we are then them." I grabbed her small hand in mine and turned the doorknob.

We walk into darkness, along with the sound of my parents arguing. I've learned when my parents drink, they do nothing but fight, then take their anger out on us, therefore adding another scar to the addition on my arms.

"Emberlynn?! Is that you?!" I sighed as I heard my dad's drunk, raspy voice ring through the house from the living room.

"Yeah.." I said hesitantly.

"Get me another beer from he fridge now!" He demanded, "Make sure its Budlight!"

I dropped Rosemary's hand and told her to go upstairs and don't come down until I tell her too. Then I headed to the kitchen to give my obedient parents their overpowering alcohol. I grabbed a beer from the fridge and walked into the living room, shuffling my feet. I cracked open the can and handed it too him, trembling.

"This is Budweiser.. I said Budlight. Do you hear anything I say?!" And he swung. The excruciating pain traveled all throughout my body. My blood boiled, as he chuckled at his action.

Instead of standing there, and taking another hit like I normally would have, I ran up the stairs and into the bathroom. I slid against the door, throwing my jacket across the room. The tears rolling down my cheeks fell harder.

Why? Why was I chosen to live a life like this? I didn't do anything wrong.

I flung the sink cabinets open and searched for my hidden blade I took from my dads tools and stared at it, thinking about how many times I've done this before, how many scars, how many tears.

I sat with my back against the door and held my wrist out, blade in the other thinking about having another scar to cover up with my jacket.

One more isn't going to make a difference. Nobody cares anyway. I thought to myself. And with that I moved the blade across my skin, slicing it open.

I bite my tongue so I didn't scream at the piercing pain. The pain is what takes my mind off things, It hurts and that's all I think about is the pain. Not my parents, not school, nothing; just pain.

As I sat there crying from the pain, the blood trickled down my arm and onto the floor. Along with my tears.

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