Chapter 8

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I put the last t-shirt into my bag then looked over at Rosemary, who was still working on hers.

"Jeans?" I asked her.


"Long sleeve?"


"Shorts and T-shirt?"



She just looked at me and didn't answer.

"M-my jacket is downstairs... I'll get it."

"No, I will."


"No buts, where is it?"

"At the edge of the couch."

"Okay. Stay here."

I opened our door, slowly, making sure it didn't creak. Walking down the long dark hallway made me catious about where my mom could be. I could hear my dad downstairs, watching tv and opening beer cans like there's no tomorrow. His deep, heavy voice boomed through the house as he yelled at someone through the tv. It honestly scared me how terrifying he can be. I'd much rather take a beating by my mom than my dad. Yes, they are both ruff but my mom stops after a few hits,my dad would just keep going and not stop until you finally decided to run out of his reach. He's one who wouldn't come after you. 

I heard a crash, laughter and the sound of another can opening. Peeking around the corner, I could see he had thrown his last empty can at the tv while yelling, and found his actions funny. The fact that my parents can't go 5 minutes without having another drink is a problem. 

I quietly took my shoes off, trying to leave anything that could possibly make noise, behind. If he heard me come down these stairs, me and Rosemary would never get out of this place. I took my necklace off and laid it down next to my shoes, if I ever missplaced this, I would be lost. My grandpa gave this necklace to me before he passed away years ago. I held the gold necklace with the words 'Princess' spelt out in cursive, nice and neat. That's what he used to call me. His princess. 

"Here you go princess," Grandpa handed me a small white box. "Now you can always carry me around with you." 

I looked up at him, my little happy, cheerful self. He smiled at me, with love. Nobody had ever looked at me with so much love, not even my parents. 

He picked me up and put me on his lap. "Open it."

I had slowly opened the tiny box, to reveal a golden necklace. 

"Wow." I whispered to myself in amazment. 

Grandpa chuckled and grabbed the box. He slowly pulled the necklace out and unlatched it. 

"You know Princess, someday you're going to find a prince that is going to rescue you from your castle. You'll live your fairytale life one day." He said as he put the necklace on me. "And I will be right by your side."

"I love you grandpa." I smiled and threw my arms around him. 

"I love you too, princess."

He passed away 2 weeks after he gave me the necklace. I haven't let it out of my sight since. I fell like when I have it on, he's there to protect me, no matter what it is. I feel like he knew exactly what life I was going to end up living. He used to always use the term. "A prince is going to rescue you from your castle" . At the time, I thought my home was fine, when really I didn't realize when your parents hit you it was called abuse, I thought I had done something wrong and needed punishment. I had no idea my parents did it for fun. When I got a little older, I realized what was going on, and it escalated from there. 

Now I wish I had someone like that to talk to. If I miss anyone at all, I miss my grandpa. I never really knew my grandma, or my dad's mom and dad. I just want my grandpa back. He was the only one I could really talk to. Count on. My only friend. 

As I snapped back, I wiped the tear falling down my cheek. He would have wanted me to stay strong, so that's exactly what I'm doing. I decided not to take the necklace off, so I simply reattached it and started heading downstairs. 

"What the hell is wrong with you?!" My dad screamed at the tv, making me jump back. He threw another empty can at it, then opened another. 

I reached up and slowly pulled the jacket off of the edge of the couch without notice. I tip-toed over to the stairs, and back up them, then taking off running to the room. 

I opened the bedroom door in a rush, throwing Rosemary's jacket at her. 

"Now. Lets get the hell out of here."

My Unexpected Savior.On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara