"There's someone here. Get what you need, but do not move until I get back. We've been here too long."

Clary put the box into her bag as Simon put the board back into its place in the floor. Echo rushed out of Clary's room and into her own. Echo moved the bookshelf that was beside her door and exposed a small hole in the wall. She pulled out a small, metal box and opened it. Inside were pictures of when she was a child. The particular picture Echo was looking for was when she was three, right before her mother fled Idris with her.

Echo stashed the photo into her jacket pocket just when she heard Clary and Simon shout. Echo heard a man with a gruff voice shout at them to be quiet. Echo stayed crouched behind her door and tried to keep her breathing quiet. Heavy footsteps rushed Clary and Simon out the door and she stood up.

Echo rushed out of the apartment when she knew that the man wasn't there anymore just in time to see an arrow fly in front of her. The arrow was aimed at a retreating figure. Echo rushed into the ally and eyed Alec who was looking across the street with sudden fright in his eyes. Echo looked down the ally and saw Clary and Simon getting pushed into the back of a black car.

Both Echo and Alec reacted at the same time and rushed toward Clary, but when they got to the mouth of the alley the car speed off, leaving a trail of dust. Alec turned around himself and put a hand in his hair. Echo was shocked, her sister was just taken and they didn't know where to find her.

Alec grabbed Echo's wrist and ran with her until they were back in Clary's room. Echo sifted through Clary's room with Alec in hopes of finding anything that could help them, but everything was destroyed. Alec was building with anger and eventually threw a box at the wall.

At that moment Jace and Isabelle stormed into the room.
"Where is she?" Jace came up beside Alec.

Alec let his vulnerability slip, "She's gone."

"What do you mean gone?"

Alec looked from Jace to Isabelle to Echo. His face was pleading as he glanced at Echo.

"She and Simon got arrested when Alec was securing the fire escape."

Jace looked over at Echo, "The Mundane was here?"

"Listen, it was an unmarked car, we don't know where they took her."

Jace took a step toward Alec, "What did you do, Alec?"

Alec couldn't say anything and Jace just rushed out of the room grabbing a drawing on his way out.

Isabelle glanced at her brother and Echo before grabbing Clary's bag and following them out. Alec let out a breath he hadn't know he was holding and walked out of the room with Echo. Alec and Echo found Jace out of the alley and behind a tagged building. He was holding the drawing in his hands with concentration written across his face.

"Damn it. She's not showing up." Jace looked over at Alec, "We need to Parabati track."

Echo stepped away next to Isabelle as Alec and Jace tried to track Clary. Isabelle was on the phone trying to figure out if Clary and Simon were actually arrested.

Jace pulled away from Alec as Isabelle got an answer.

"Just like I thought, she wasn't arrested."

Jace glanced at Isabelle then at Alec, "It was your job to look after her." His teeth were clenched as he took a step into Alec's face.

"I did my best, Jace."

Jace glanced at Echo then at Alec, "Well then maybe your mother was right, your best just isn't good enough!"

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