Alec looked over at the control area then reached over and tapped the touch wall. A rack of weapons pulled out of the wall and Echo took a step back to avoid being hit by them. When the rack jolted to a stop Alec pulled a Seraph blade from its place above a bow.

"Do you know what this is?"

Echo nodded, "It's a Seraph blade."

Alec held it out to her and she took it, "Do you know how to use it?"

Echo felt the weight of the angel blade travel up her arm; she had only ever held a Seraph blade one other time.

She shook her head, "No, I don't"

Alec folded his arms, "I'll teach you, but for right now, you have to understand that you are part angel and the blade knows that. You just have to connect with it."

Echo suddenly remembered something, "Why did the rune disappear?"

Alec narrowed his eyes slightly, "I don't know. Maybe Jace didn't do it right."

Alec gripped the Seraph blade on top of Echo's fist, "If you concentrate, you will be able to feel the blade respond to what you want it to do."

The blade felt cold in Echo's hand, "Is it supposed to feel cold?"

Alec pulled his hand back, "Cold? It might the first time, but maybe once you get the hang of it, you will start to feel its power."


Alec turned his attention to Jace momentarily before closing the weapons rack. Echo followed Alec to where Jace was standing.

Jace tapped at the screen in frustration, "I can't find Jocelyn Fray anywhere. It's as if she doesn't exist."

Jace turned toward Alec and Echo, noticing that Echo was holding a Seraph blade, "You know how to use that right?"

Echo rolled her eyes, "I'm learning."

Alec touched the screen, "Did you run her name through the system? Both systems?"

Jace nodded, "Twice. There is nothing."

Echo looked around, aware that Clary was nowhere in sight, "Where's Clary?"

Jace looked over his shoulder, "With Isabelle."

Echo was satisfied with the answer and looked down at the blade. The glow was dim, but she could still feel a few drips of power rushing into her. She was sure this wasn't how it was supposed to feel, but she had to trust Alec; he had been a Shadowhunter far longer than she had.

Echo looked up when she heard Clary and Simon's voices. They were following Isabelle, who was leading them to where Alec showed Echo the Seraph blade. Echo retracted the blade and put it in the waistband of her pants and followed them.

Jace followed Echo while Alec took one last glance at the screen before joining them.

"Fifty bucks says he doesn't approve of this mission." Isabelle said gently touching a normal blade.

Alec came up behind Echo, "I don't approve of this mission. I talked to the clave and they are sending Seelie scouts to look for Valentine's men, but they made it clear that neither of them leave the premises."

Alec gestured to Echo and Clary.

Echo scoffed, "And to think we were getting along."

"I don't care what the clave or you want, we are going to find Dot." Clary said with sudden maturity.

Jace shifted his weight, "This Warlock might have the answers we need. With Valentine's people looking for Clary, she isn't safe outside alone."

Echo gently raised her hand, "I'll go then."

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