434 11 3

This is really long, 2429 words without this author's note. There will be a short part. 2 after I finish a few more of my requests. Look out for it! Enjoy! :D
Request by Kpopular7887

Wonshik had never missed Taekwoon's warmth so much. It was things like this, when they had been ripped away from you by an act of fate, did you realise how much you needed it.

When Taekwoon's muscles turned limp, fingers slipping down Wonshik's palm for the last time, did the younger man sob. It was when what was left of the colour on Taekwoon's cheeks fled and stole his warmth with it, his beating heart, his shallow breath, did Wonshik's world cripple and shatter around him to the sound of a heart monitor screeching a single continuous tone in his ear. It was a never-ending earthquake, his brain rattling, his legs barely able to get to one side of a room to another as he tried to run for help, but there was no one.

Wonshik refused to bury Taekwoon's body.

He preserved it.

[ TAKE L01 ]

Wonshik's eyes stared up at the camera propped up in the corner of the room, fingers fiddling with the settings. "Ah, it's recording." He mumbled, staring into the lens and taking a deep breath.

"Take one."

Wonshik's eyes flitted back to the large steel instrument with Taekwoon's preserved body hoisted up on it, eyes closed as his brows twitched down painfully, turning back to the camera. "It's been a month and a half, and I've used older prototypes to  bring Taekwoon back to life. I've halted my work and am using my... my life savings... to live."

It was then when did Wonshik start up the machine, a metallic hum and whirring growling through the laboratory. The lifeless half-organic body of Jung Taekwoon was being galvanized back to what would hopefully be life, the younger eyeing him carefully as Taekwoon's muscles began to twitch with the electric current.

"Taek...woon..." He began, eyes wide as the older man's eyes slowly opened blankly, bionic pupils focusing on the teary boy right in front of him, fingertips cautiously caressing the androids' face. "Taekwoon, it's me, it's Wonshik-"

Blood began to bubble and dribble down Taekwoon's mouth, his eyes looking but not seeing and Wonshik made an incoherent, high-pitched gargling sound of fear, horror and panic. His eyes shifted uncontrollably. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'll turn you off, let me-"

It was when did the machines whirred to a halt and Taekwoon's body went limp once more did Wonshik's knees finally buckle as he curled over in a sob.

I failed ....

[ L04 ]

Taekwoon was hot, too hot, way too hot. He was overheating. This wasn't warmth, this was a fire.

[ L05 ]

A part of the machine exploded and Wonshik was knocked off his feet. The scrapes against his forearm are only a reminder that he was failing over and over...


[ L06 ]

Wonshik was spending more on alcohol than rent these days. Nothing else could wash away the fact he was failing, time and again, that Taekwoon was dead, that Taekwoon was...was...

[ L07 ]

Can't you hear me?

[ L10 ]

Wonshik turned on the camera, dark blue rings weighing down below his eyes, hair dishevelled, hands with healing cuts. "Take 10." Wonshik murmured, lips exhaling a sigh as his eyes watered, the boy grimacing as a hand cupped over his eyes, dipping his head.

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