Crash to darkness

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 I woke up to the feeling of excruciating pain. My head was killing me. I felt dizzy and I wasn't even up yet.

I hate Mondays.

I hate everyday. I thought, grimly.

Yeah I know. Ugh, ow. I groaned in pain as I forced myself out of bed. 5:03AM, read my alarm. I.HATE.MORNINGS... And every other time of the day. I very slowly walked to my dresser and put on my favorite short black shirt. There was a little design of some kind of dragon on it. I loved dragons, probably my favorite mythical creature. I slipped into my dark jeans and walked over to the bathroom.

Oh god. I almost gasped. My hair was a disaster. My long black hair was stacked on my head like a broken birds nest. I fought it for about an hour to try and tame my atrocious mess of hair. After the battle I threw on some makeup, to make me look at least a little less like a zombie, then ran down the stairs to catch my bus. I hate living so far from school and I don't like the bus, it was kind of creepy. So many weirdos and losers in there. But knowing me, I'm probably one of them.

I sat on the bus in my favorite seat, middle seat on the right side. Not too close to the noise of the kids in the back and not close enough to the front to be associated with the loners up there. Even though I'm pretty much one of them.

I reached in my bag and took out my book. 'The Hunger Games'. I read a lot. Good books at least, not shitty school stuff. I just finished reading 'Chain Reaction' and before that 'Man Hunt'. I like those ones and 'The Hunger Games'. For some reason I enjoyed reading about people's tragic deaths. That's probably not normal...

Finally at school, 5 minutes till my first class. Shit. My bus was always late. Not having much of a choice, I screw any socialization, get my crap and make my way quickly to class.

I sat there in English barley paying attention. I didn't need to. I knew my shit in English. Well not really but I was ahead of some of the class. It was my only good subject. I thanked god for English considering I was probably going to fail math, second period.

 After Math, was lunch break, so not excited. I walked to the cafeteria not really expecting to eat much. I wasn't a huge fan of people. At all. I mainly detested them. Most of them, at least, not all.

Reaching my usual table I sat down next to Amber.

"Hey, Corah." She greets me and I smile slightly, as a response.

She was one of the few people whose company I didn't completely despise.  On our first day here I was sitting alone and her and her three friends Jade, Chris and Derek came and randomly sat with me. They didn't really speak directly to me but I knew I was in the conversations, not that most of them interested me. I hardly talked to them really, just Amber. She had medium length red-brown hair and hazel eyes. I liked her eyes. More than mine, which were probably darker than hell itself.

Amber had been dating Derek for almost a year now and Jade and Chris like each other, according to Amber. I didn't notice of course. I never notice stuff like that. It didn't fascinate me. Didn't really care about it but I didn't tell Amber that. I don't tell Amber much. Usually prefer to keep to myself. It's just easier. However, Amber tells me a lot, I don't really know what she's talking about half the time but I listen to her nontheless.

"I can't wait for the weekend." Jade randomly announced. Jade was always quite talkative. She was tall, and had long light colored hair. I found that light suited her well. 

"It's Monday." Amber says, emotionless.

"Yeah, thanks for ruining that for me.  I can always count on you for that, Amber." Jade said, half kidding, half sass. Typical. Jade was pretty dramatic actually, I don't know why Amber and her get along. They're not too much alike. Socially they are, I guess. But not in any other way that I can see.

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