Chapter 33

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"What now?" I asked as I rested my head on Harry's bare chest.

I traced my index finger along the outlines of his bird tattoos as he played with my hair.

We had spent most of the day in bed and we were sleepy, but we couldn't drift off just yet. We had some unfinished business to tend to first.

It was our last night in California and we had had a hell of a time with the boys. But as the vacation was rapidly coming to an end, we had an important decision to make.

Where would we go now?

Would we go to London or to New York, his apartment or mine? Or would we go our separate ways?

I'm just kidding. Of corse we weren't gonna go our separate ways. Why the hell would we want to do that? But we still had to figure out where to go, because we were kind of in between places at the moment.

"I don't know," Harry admitted and stopped playing with my hair to wrap his strong arm tightly around me.

He was clinging to me kind of desperately and I could immediately tell that he was nervous about something. We were soon to hit the one year anniversary of our relationship, and I knew him in and out by now. I could always tell when something was up.

"You okay?" I asked and rested my chin on his chest to look at him. His sparkling green eyes met mine, and he took a deep breath to prepare himself for whatever he was about to say.

"Yeah," Harry said quickly and gave me a faint smile. "I just... Um... I wanted to..."

He trailed off and I arched my eyebrows. It was not like him to be so insecure. He was usually the most confident person in the room. Except if Louis was there because let's face it, he was the most confident person in the world.

I was staring to get nervous. What was going on? What was it that Harry was struggling to tell me?

"Are you sure you're okay?"

"Yeah," Harry said and sat up suddenly so that I was pushed up in a sitting position as well. "I need to ask you something."

"Okay," I said calmly and shifted position so that I was facing him. Though he was starting to make me nervous, I was determined to keep it cool. "What is it?"

Harry looked at his hands and then at me. The look on his face was so pure and innocent and I gave him a reassuring smile to ease the tension. I could tell that he was still struggling with what he was about to say, and I wanted to tell him that it was okay. I tried to show him that whatever he was about to say, I could handle it and we would be okay.

"Do you... Do you want to move in with me?"

I blinked.

Was that it? Was that what made him stutter and break a sweat?

I couldn't help but laugh, and Harry looked at me with confusion written all over his beautiful face.

"I'm sorry, baby," I giggled and cupped his face in my hands as I composed myself. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to laugh..."

"I'm so confused right now," Harry just said and I laughed some more.

"I know, I'm sorry," I repeated and pecked his lips gently. "I was just expecting something really serious the way you were all nervous and shit, and then... it wasn't."

"You don't think it's kinda serious that I ask you to move in with me?" Harry said with a playful smile and I kissed him again.

"Of course I think it's serious, babe," I said when I pulled back from our kiss, still cupping his face in my hands. "It's just that I was expecting something... bad."

"I don't think this is bad, but you still haven't answered me, so I guess it depends on your answer."

"Of course I'll move in with you," I said without a doubt in my mind that it was the right answer, and then I kissed him more passionately.

"Can I ask you something?" Harry said when I pulled back again, and I nodded.

"Of course. Anything."

"Don't you think it's serious at all to move in together?"

"I think it's very serious," I said honestly and sat back on my heels. "It's a big step."


"But we've pretty much been living together ever since we met, so it's not really that a big step for us," I said with a shrug and Harry nodded.

"Yeah, you're right."

"But I still love that we're gonna officially move in together," I said and Harry smiled. "I've been waiting for you to ask, you know."

"Yeah?" Harry said and I nodded.

"Yeah, I mean, it's not that I'm not satisfied with the way things have been, it's just that... I kinda needed you to tell me that we were headed somewhere, you know?" I said and Harry nodded. "Now I can tell my friends and family that we're actually living together. Until now it's always been me just spending some time at your place, or the other way around."

I realized that I was babbling too much, so I cupped Harry's face in mine again and kissed him gently. When he wanted me to, I deepened the kiss.

"I love you," Harry told me through the kiss, and I smiled.

"I love you too."

I was hungry for more than a kiss, but Harry kept talking. It was kind of cute and kind of annoying at the same time.

"Are you ready to move to London for good?"


"Are you ready to officially live with me?"

"Yeah, it won't be any different from what we've done so far."

"Are you -" Harry started, but in the end I gently bit his lower lip to shut him up.

"Babe, why do you keep talking?" I said when I released his lip again, and Harry shrugged. "Can't you tell that we're about to do something else?"

"I guess," Harry said with a wry smile and I giggled. "I'll stop talking now."

"Good," I said with a playful smile and entwined my hands in his hair as I deepened our kiss again.

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