Chapter 28

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Ed had called Harry the moment he had heard about the crazy rumor about us. And though Harry hadn't believed him at first either, Ed had been persistent.

"Why didn't you call me?" I whispered as we were facing each other in the poorly lit hallway. Harry had just explained himself to me, but I still didn't quite understand. "If you knew, why didn't you call me?"

"I was ashamed," Harry admitted and hunched his shoulders. "You were telling the truth and I just slammed the door in your face and avoided you for weeks. You've never given me any reason not to trust you, and I hated myself for not listening. I just needed some time to figure out a decent way to admit that I was wrong. I needed to figure out how to make you forgive me."

"Did you find a way?" I whispered as tears formed in my eyes.

"I was gonna go to New York," Harry said quietly, his eyes staring intently at the floor. "I was gonna surprise you with flowers, and then I was gonna make you quesadillas with The Beatles on the record player in the background while I explained myself."

"Okay..." I mumbled because I didn't really know what else to say.

"Would it have worked?" Harry said, nervously looking at me. And though I was crying because my emotions were going crazy, I smiled through my tears.

"Yeah, it would have worked," I said and Harry exhaled deeply, a sound of relief. "I've missed you so much..."

"I've missed you too, love," Harry whispered and then we simultaneously closed the distance between us to hug it out.

"Can I have that quesadilla now though?" I asked as I burrowed my face in the crook of his neck, and he chuckled.

"Of course, love, you can have whatever you like," he said, but we still didn't let go of each other.

We both needed each others comfort for a little bit. Harry's hug made the hurts from the past weeks fade away, and we were both starved for love.

God, how much I had missed him! Feeling his touch again made me realize just how much I needed him and loved him.

When we eventually pulled away from each other, Harry pecked my lips and laced his fingers into mine. He didn't let go of my hand as he brought me to the kitchen.

As he prepared the quesadillas, I had my arms wrapped around him from behind. I rested my cheek against his back and completely relaxed myself as his shoulder blades moved in sync with his slicing of vegetables.

I never wanted to let him go again. Being without him had been so terrible and I never again wanted to experience a similar loneliness.

"Refrigerator," Harry suddenly warned and, with my arms still around him, I followed him as he crossed the room. "Back to the kitchen counter," he added when he had found the ingredients he needed, and yet again I moved with him so that I didn't have to let go of him for even a second.

We must have looked like idiots, me clinging to him like that, but I didn't care. As long as I was close to him, nothing else mattered.

"Okay, now we just have to wait for them to heat up," Harry said and twisted around in my arms to face me. He wrapped his arms around me and kissed me gently. "What do you wanna do while we wait?"

"I have an idea," I whispered as I laced my fingers into Harry's and led him to the bedroom.

Of course we completely forgot about the quesadillas. They were transformed into coal and set the fire alarm off. It was only when the smoke detector blazed that we remembered about them.

"Fuck!" Harry said and quickly rolled out of bed to put an end to the piercing sound.

He didn't mind putting any clothes on, and by the time I joined him in my panties and his t-shirt, he was showing off in the kitchen. It made me laugh.

But I stopped laughing when I saw the devastation of the food.

"Oh, no, we can't eat those!" I exclaimed as Harry dropped the hot pan of burnt food in the sink.

"Pizza?" Harry offered and I nodded.

We ended up ordering takeaway again, just like the last week we had spent together before we had split. It was kind of nice, even though I really craved the quesadillas.

"Can we try again tomorrow?" I asked as Harry paid for the pizza.

He had only bothered to put a pair of boxers on before he had opened the door, and I was kind of grateful that the pizza delivery person was a guy.

If it had been a girl, regardless if it was a fan or not, we would have never heard the end of her screaming. Because Harry's toned and muscled body was hot.

Instead the delivery guy looked over Harry's shoulder to where I was standing and checked me out. Harry scowled at him before he closed the door and I giggled, because he had absolutely nothing to fear.

"Of course we'll try again tomorrow," Harry said as he flopped down on the couch and opened the pizza box.

"And tomorrow we won't have sex while we wait, and we'll put a timer on," I said and Harry made a face.

"I suppose that's a good idea... But I wanna have sex."

"We'll do it before and after, but not during," I offered as I sat down next to him, and Harry seemed satisfied with that option as he started absentmindedly tracing his hand up and down my thigh. "Can I ask you something?"

"Anything, love."

"What did you do when we were apart?" I asked and nervously bit my bottom lip as I waited for the answer.

"Nothing," Harry admitted. "I was just hiding out a Niall's, crying my eyes out."


"What? If I really cried?" Harry said and I nodded. "Of course I cried. I was heartbroken."

"Me too," I whispered and Harry took my hand in his to kiss it.

"What did you do?"

"Pretty much the same."

"Did you stay with your mom's?"

"Oh, fuck, my mom!" I exclaimed and gave myself a face-palm as Harry raised his eyebrows. "I didn't even call her to tell her that I was home."

"What? Why?"

"Because I was too heartbroken to do anything. I just stayed in bed in my apartment and had takeaway every day," I said and hated myself for not seeing my family when I had been so close to them for once. "I didn't talk to anyone but the boys."

"Did you even hear that our single was nominated for the AMAs?" Harry asked when he realized just how isolated I had been the past few weeks.

"I caught that we were nominated for an award, but I wasn't too exited about it," I admitted. "I didn't like the music business when I was in it without you."

"I didn't like the music business without you either," Harry said and cupped my face to look me deeply in the eyes. "God, you're so pretty. I love you."

"I love you too," I said and smiled as he pressed his lips against mine.

"I love it when you smile when we kiss," Harry added when he pulled away and I laughed.

"You love a whole lot," I commented and Harry grinned. "Can I ask you something else?"

"Ask me whatever you want, love."

"What is an AMA?"

"American Music Award, of course," Harry said as if I was a complete idiot for not knowing, and maybe I was.

"Are we going to America for the award show then?"

"Yeah, we're even performing there," Harry said, and for the first time since I heard about the nomination, I was excited.

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