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I was just an independent singer/songwriter from New York. I had never been inside of a real recording studio and I had only had one song being good enough for the radio. The rest were just ideas in the black Moleskine notebook I always carried with me.

I was just a tiny, tiny person within the music industry, and that a world sensation like One Direction would contact me because of a collaboration offer was ridiculous. It was beyond believable. 

But the Harry Styles had accidentally heard my song on the radio and had fallen in love with it. He had shown it to his fellow band members and they happened to like it too. And though they had never collaborated with anyone beyond songwriting before, they had decided that they wanted me to do vocals with them.

In other words, they wanted me to write and record a single with them. And they wanted me to join their world tour as a potential opening act.

It was crazy. Surreal.

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