Chapter 19

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"Was that an act of hate or an act of... 'please take my phone and take a photo of the boys'?" I mumbled as Lou examined my wound.

It was the night of our last show of the American tour, and the night in the Staples Center hadn't exactly ended the way I had hoped for.

A fan had thrown an iPhone 5 on stage during the last seconds of our song and I, as the accident prone I was, had accidentally head-butted the thing. The impact had left me dizzy and with a deep gash across my left eyebrow.

Harry's eyes had widened when he had seen all the blood, and he had wanted to help me, but the show had to go on. So I had stumbled backstage by myself and Lou had immediately turned up to help me. The boys joined us minutes later with worried face expressions.

"I'm guessing the latter," Louis said as Lou tried to stop the gush of blood.

"Yeah, the fans always throw phones on the stage for us to take photos with," Liam added while everyone nervously observed Lou's struggles of patching me up. "Or they throw them at us hoping that we'll make an effort to return it to them. We never really do. I've told them once that we sell their phones on eBay, you know, to make them stop throwing them, but I don't really think the message was clear enough."

"I'm gonna go hit something now," Harry suddenly grumbled as he clenched his fists, and everyone looked at him with arched eyebrows.

"Why?" I expressed with surprise.

"Because somebody hurt you!" he almost shouted. "And I can't do anything about it because it already happened, I don't know who did it and it was probably a girl. If I were to find the one who threw the phone, I still wouldn't be able to throw a punch anyway."

This was a side of Harry I had never seen before. I had never known him to be violent. He had never, ever expressed wanting to hit anyone before. And though it surprised me and kind of scared me a little bit, it also sort of turned me on.

My boyfriend was a badass. And he would protect me to the extent of throwing a punch at someone.

"Don't hit anyone or anything, babe," I said quickly, because I felt like I had to talk him out of injuring his fist because of me. "I'll be fine."

"I think you're gonna need stitches," Lou said just as Harry was starting to calm down and I gritted my teeth. "The bleeding won't stop..."

"Harry..." I said warningly as I noticed him getting wound up again. "Don't do anything stupid."

"Yep, you're definitely gonna need stitches," Lou stated, obviously oblivious to Harry's building anger.

"Lou, will you shut up for a minute?" I hissed and she looked away from my wound and finally seemed to get an understanding of what was going on.

"Harry, calm down," she said, but Harry was beyond calming down by now and was clenching his fists again.

And before anyone could stop him, he put his fist through the drywall. Except it wasn't really a drywall, it was a brick wall and it caused my boyfriend some serious pain.

"Harry!" I exclaimed and rose from my seat.

"Calm down, man," Niall said as he and Liam stepped in between Harry and the wall to prevent him from hitting it again.

It didn't seem like he was planning on it though. He was bending forwards, cradling his injured hand with a pained look on his face while he expressed every curse word he could possibly know. It was a seemingly never-ending list of rude words I had never even heard before.

"Now you're just both gonna have to go to the doctor, mate," Zayn commented dryly and Harry shot him an angry glance while he started sucking on his knuckles. The wall had taken some of the skin off and he was bleeding.

"Don't push him," Liam warned and Zayn agreed that that wasn't the best idea considering the circumstances.

So thanks to the owner of the now cracked iPhone 5, Harry and I had to spend our last night of the tour in the hospital.

I had to get stitches and Harry had to get an X-ray of his hand. He had sprained his wrist, so when we met up again after our meetings with various doctors and nurses, he had his hand wrapped in bandages.

"You okay?" I offered as he wrapped his uninjured arm around my shoulders, pulled me close and kissed the top of my head.

"Yeah, you?"

"I guess," I said with a shrug as we left the hospital together. "What now?"

"Now we'll go back to the lads and celebrate the way we really should have celebrated this night."

"Champagne?" I said and Harry nodded with a wide smile.

"Lots of it."

We returned to the boys at the Staples Center and managed to turn a busted night into a hell of a good one. It was always like that with the members of One Direction. Somehow we always had fun together, no matter the circumstances.

Harry was in a good mood despite having sprained his wrist during his rage earlier. And the more Champagne he had, the more frequent his laughing fits became.

His laughter was so adorable that I couldn't help but laugh back, even when what he said wasn't really that funny. It seemed like the other boys were the same way because we were all laughing a whole lot. Or maybe it was just the alcohol all along.

We had a great time, but we had had a long day with the show and the all the drama afterwards. So eventually we were completely knackered as Niall would have said, and decided to go to bed.

We told the boys goodnight as Louis and Liam headed to their bunks in the tour bus and Niall and Zayn headed to their five star hotel room.

But Harry and I wasn't quite ready to sleep just yet, so when we locked ourselves into our hotel room next door to Niall and Zayn's, I pulled him down by the back of his neck and kissed him passionately.

He was all up for it, so he let his hands graze my thighs before he firmly cupped my ass. His touch made every ounce of my body yearn for him even more.

We simultaneously deepened the kiss as he slowly backed me up to the bed.

Harry definitely knew what he was doing under the covers and he wasn't selfish at all. He always made sure that I had a good time before he concerned about himself, and I liked that. I liked that a lot.

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