Chapter 14

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Weeks passed by and Harry kept avoiding me, kept giving me the cold shoulder.

In the end I couldn't take it anymore. I had to confront him about it. But it was hard because he kept slipping away from me when I tried to track him down.

But one day he passed me in the corridor of our current five star hotel. And for once we were alone.

Harry and I had used to bunk together when we were staying in hotels before, but not anymore. He didn't want to share rooms with me anymore, so I bunked with Niall instead. That was nice too, but it hurt me that Harry dismissed me that easily. Without even talking about it, without really telling me why...

"Harry?" I said when he passed me, but he didn't even stop or turn. It was like I was a ghost to him, and it crushed my heart into a million little pieces. "Harry, please!"

I slipped into his hotel room before the door closed. There was nowhere for him to run. We were in a locked room together and I was blocking the only exit. He had to talk to me now.

"What?" he snapped and I took a step away, taken aback by the sharpness in his voice.

"Why are you acting out like this?" I said, indescribably hurt and surprised by how Harry was behaving.

"Do you wanna know why I'm acting like this?" Harry said in his deep and calm voice that never really sounded angry, but I could still tell when he was upset.

"Yes, please tell me what I did wrong," I snapped back, anger building inside of me. "Because if there's something I did, maybe I can do something to make it better."

"Nothing can make it better!" Harry exclaimed and I threw my hands up in exasperation.

"Then what the fuck do you want from me? I don't even know what the problem is!" I shouted and I was about to continue my rage because it felt so good to just let it out after so long of keeping it in, but I was cut off mid-sentence by Harry's soft lips.

One second he was standing feet away and the next thing I knew he had closed the gap between us with a few long strides and had pressed his lips against mine.

I froze at his touch, but after a few seconds I gave into him and started kissing him back. And as I did, Harry deepened the kiss.

What was going on? I mean, it wasn't like I was completely oblivious to what was going on - the sexual tension between us had been pretty prominent - but I had promised myself never to go down that road with any of the boys.

And now I was kissing Harry. Again.

Not just a friendly peck on the lips, like I had occasionally done with all of the boys at some point to say good night or goodbye or whatever, but a full-on kiss with tongue and everything.

We were both hungry for it and none of us wanted the kiss to end. So we both held onto each other for what seemed like an eternity.

The kiss was even better than last time and I completely lost myself in the magical moment.

In the end Harry slowly backed me up to the bed and gently lowered me down on it without letting his lips part from mine for even a second.

I obeyed him because this time I knew that I wanted it. I wanted it all and there was no way I was stopping the good things happening because of a dumb promise.

Promises are made to be broken, right?

Harry supported himself in a hovering position above me as we kept kissing passionately. I pulled him even closer by the back of his neck, and both of my hands held onto him as if I was afraid he would slip away if I didn't.

We had such a raw sexual magnetism between us and I yearned for him to enter me.

Harry's hands kept touching me, his soft and warm skin tickling my thighs and arms, and it turned me on. I started breathing heavier and in the end I started tugging at his v-neck t-shirt just as he started unbuttoning my Levi's cutoffs.

We undressed quicker than I had ever done before, and then Harry gently traced his hands along my cheekbones and finally entered my body. I had been so hungry for him to do that. I had been yearning it for months. And finally I got what I wanted.

And, oh, man was he worth the wait!

It was safe to say that he was the best I had ever had. He had just the right amount of tenderness and roughness to make the experience nice and satisfying.

We climaxed at approximately the same time and when we were both fully satisfied we stayed in bed, breathing heavily side by side.

"What now?" I whispered as Harry wrapped his strong arms around me.

"I don't know," he admitted. "What do you want? Because a few weeks ago you said no to this... yet here we are. I don't wanna push you to do something you don't want to do."

"I don't know what I want, but I know that I enjoy spending time with you," I said as I played with his hands. Just now I realized how big they actually were, almost twice the size of my tiny palms. "But I don't wanna lose you as my friend. The past few weeks without you by my side have been terrible... I don't want it to be that way between us ever again."

"I know, I was acting like a dick," Harry mumbled.

"Yeah, you were," I admitted bluntly and Harry chuckled. "But I'm willing to forgive you and write it off as jealousy."

"I was jealous," Harry insisted and yet again I got that feeling of regret and guilt for having been with Luke.

"I know, I'm sorry. The thing with Luke..." I started and trailed off before I continued. "It was nothing. I don't feel that way about him anymore."

"Okay, good. Then how about this," Harry said and I shifted in his arms so that I could look him in the eyes as he continued. "We'll go on a first date, a real date, and then we'll take it from there."

"Are you asking me out, Styles?" I said, not managing to keep the smile off my race.

"Yeah," he said with a casual shrug. "Is that okay?"

"That's more than okay."

"So you'll go on a date with me?"

"Definitely," I said, and now we were both smiling like idiots.

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