Chapter 18

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Weeks passed by and I was literally in heaven. Harry and I were in a happy place in our relationship and my friendship with all of the boys and the crew grew even stronger still by each passing day.

And every night, to make things even better, I got to see new American cities and perform our single to amazing audiences.

I always enjoyed myself when I was on stage with the boys. I wasn't afraid anymore like the time when I had had my first show. The crowd was always amazing and though I used to have butterflies in my stomach before the shows, I always ended up having a good time.

I particularly enjoyed the nights when one of us would start water fights or some other type of harmless wars. We always goofed around and that made every show unique and unpredictable.

The American tour was rapidly coming to an end and I was beginning to dread the moment of our last show. What would happen to me once the contract with Modest! Management was up? Would I get to continue the boys' world tour or was America it for me?

Our last show would be at the Staples Center in Los Angeles. It would be the biggest accomplishment of my so far short career to perform there, and I couldn't wait.

I was sprawled across my bed and was pulled out of my deep thoughts as Harry entered our hotel room. We always shared rooms now, like we had before the "Luke incident", and wherever we were together felt like home.

"Hey, love, you wanna go for a walk?" Harry offered and I nodded as I rolled myself out of bed.

Harry brought me down to the pier and as we were walking he reached for my hand and laced his fingers into mine. It sent chills of happiness through my body and I grinned like an idiot.

My boyfriend - God, I loved being able to call him that - was extremely handsome with his hair pulled back and black Ray Ban's covering his sparkling, green eyes. He had a deep v-neck t-shirt that showed off the tattoos on his toned chest.

"Want ice cream?" Harry said as we passed an adorable ice cream vendor and I nodded.

"Sure," I answered as he pulled me over to the café.

Harry ordered scoops of vanilla and cookies and cream for me, and mango and passion fruit for himself. As he ordered I found a round table in the shade for us to sit and chat.

The press knew about our relationship by now, so naturally there were paparazzi everywhere. There was really no way for us to hide that we were together and since the second the news had been spilt, my name had circulated in the media.

I couldn't go anywhere without being recognized anymore. I had known that the day would come when I released a single with the hottest boy band in the world, and when I had started dating one of the members, but I still hadn't been prepared enough for the immense pressure of being the center of attention all the time.

Harry returned to the table with our ice cream and I forgot about the paparazzi and had to tell myself yet again how lucky I was to have such a perfect boyfriend.

We smiled at each other as we devoured the ice cream and told each other stories from the past. Harry always turned extremely enthusiastic when he spoke about his childhood and I loved that.

I could listen to his sweet memories of Gemma forever, and whenever he brought her name up I wanted to meet the lovely creature he was describing even more. And I loved the way his dimpled smile appeared whenever he was talking about his sister.

"I'm sorry," Harry suddenly said and I arched my eyebrow as I finished my ice cream.

"For what? What did you do?"

"I keep talking about my childhood without realizing that it must be bringing up bad memories on your behalf."

"What, because of my dad?" I said and Harry nodded with a worried face expression. He was hot when he was worried. "Don't worry about it. I don't particularly remember that my dad's dead because you talk about your family, and besides I love hearing you talk about Gemma."

"Are you sure?" Harry said and I nodded. "Just let me know, okay?"

"Will do, babe," I said as Harry's large hand enveloped my smaller one across the table. "Can I ask you something?"


"What will happen to us when the American tour's over?"

"The best scenario would be that management sign you up for the rest of the our," Harry said and I nodded. "And the worst scenario would be a long distance relationship."

"Do you think we can do a long distance relationship?"

"I hope so. Do you think we can do it?"

"I hope so," I said and Harry flashed a smile.

"Good. I need a girl who's willing to do a long distance relationship, you know with my job and all..."

"I don't want the tour to end."

"Me neither. This has been the best yet, because of you," Harry said and I blushed. He still had the ability to make me shy.

"The tour will be over in two days," I stated and Harry nodded. "And then I'll be going back to New York and you'll go back to London..."

"Unless..." Harry said and I looked at him with growing hope. "Unless you wanna come with me to meet my family?"

"Of course I'll come with you!" I exclaimed and Harry smiled. "If you come with me to New York first?"

"What are we doing in New York?" Harry said with a playful smile. He knew what I wanted to do in my hometown, but he wanted me to say it.

"You're meeting my family. If you want?"

"I'd love to, babe," Harry said and my heart fluttered.

"So we'll go to New York first, and then to London?" I said and Harry nodded. "I don't think I dread the end of the tour that much anymore."

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