Chapter Fifty Two(v3)

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Chapter Fifty Two

Leon sat in the back seat of the car, shock slowly starting to fill him due to many factors. The one Leon was focusing on, yet most bizarre, was why Philip was driving a Toyota Camry. Philip had extremely expensive taste, especially when it came to his vehicles. Leon didn't possess any knowledge or interest in cars, but even he could reason that the car in Philip's garage was something of a world wonder. Even the trusty Mustang Philip drove everyone and fixed up himself was worth a pretty penny. And Philip loved that car. So why was he driving a car like this? It didn't make sense. After a few moments, he looked up to see Philip sneak a curious glance at him. And that's when it hit.

He was a free man.

Iris turned his head to look at him as well, and immediate hateful rage boiled in his stomach. "You killed my wife." He snarled.

Iris didn't reply.

"You poisoned Haley." He pronounced sharply.

He waited for some protest or explanation from Iris, but none came.


"Leon." Philip interrupted. "Stop. That's enough."

Leon pursed his lips, but the simple words were indeed enough to halt the accusations at his lips. Instead he decided to change the subject. "You got me out of there. Why?"

"We want you to kill Alexander." Philip stated in an even tone.

Leon's eyes furrowed. It was hardly the answer he was expecting. "Why?"

"Daniel's in a coma."

"Daniel....shit." Leon sighed. It wasn't difficult to imagine how Alexander and Daniel being in the hospital were related. "Is he going to be ok?"

Philip didn't respond.

"This is my fault, isn't it." Leon said in a hard tone. "Alexander did this to him because he admitted to me that Alexander's alive."

"He's been making puppets of us since the beginning." Philip shrugged. "I'm sure he would have continued his warped actions even if Daniel had kept silent."

Leon looked over at the repulsive Miss Lust. He wasn't surprised that Philip had been behind his escape, but Iris's partnership to the computer boy was something Leon never thought he'd see. Even when they were all a team, Iris and Philip merely tolerated each other, and even that was barely. Iris was constantly trying to seduce Daniel in almost good humored fun, but Philip in his shy and timid manner didn't speak up about it. Which of course made Iris take the advantage and tease him at every turn. It was only Daniel's protection and assertive attitude towards her that kept her in her place. Therefore, Philip contained a heaping portion of bitterness and dislike towards Joanna. He, like all partners, didn't take seduction kindly. Seeing them together now, was mind boggling. In a strange way, it was the perfect team. Philip was a master at manipulating computers, Joanna with people. But why were they together now?

"Why does she want Alexander dead?" Leon asked, referring to Iris.

"None of your God-damn business." Iris snapped.

Leon blinked. There was such fire in her voice. "Why don't you two just kill him?"

"You know I don't like blood on my hands." Philip replied.

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