ChapterTwo - Center of Attention

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I drove to school the next day in a new outfit the Bureau picked out and my hair was a different color. My once brown hair was now an auburn color. The lady who colored it early this morning also curled it. I was singing along to the radio and looked in my rearview mirror. My green eyes were left the same and I smiled.

The same lady also done my makeup and I loved it. She walked me through each stop so I could do it every morning for school. I looked in my side mirror again as I shifted in my seat. I moved into another lane waiting for the line of cars to turn so I could.

My heart was in a nervous tumble and my hands were sweaty. I removed my hand from the steering wheel and wiped it on my pant leg. I tried my best to eat something this morning but I was afraid I wouldn’t keep it down so I just grabbed an apple when I left my place after the whole crew was done making me over.

I pulled into the parking lot of the public high-school Director Lewis’ niece attended and killed the engine. The parking lot was littered with students who eyed my Land Rover with curiosity. I grabbed my bag from the back and stepped out. The sun hit my face and I looked up and felt the heat warm my cheeks. My nerves soothes for a moment, I smiled real big.

My cell rang and I cursed. I dug through my bag until I found the smartphone and touched the lit screen. “Hey Mark,” I chirped, trying to sound a few years younger. I looked around and saw every eye on me.

“Don’t you sound happy?” His cute Irish accent slurred each word and I giggled.

“I am, Mark! It’s a beautiful day! The suns shinning! A fresh new start! What’s not to be happy about?” I teased and walked up to the front of the building that was labeled main office.

“Did you say sun? You mean that big round ball of fire that melts your skin? You mean that thing? I’ll pass.” He concluded. I giggled again and leaned against the front of the building.

I tsked. “Markey-boy, you need to get out! You are starting to look like a vampire!” Students walked into the building and gave me glances but I brushed them off. It was officially my first say on the job and I would not let nerves get in the way.

“No shit? You’re kidding.” He laughed and I could tell he’d just woken up because I heard the shower being turned on.

“Are you talking on the phone with me and in the shower? Mark, that’s dangerous. I’ll save you! I’m hanging up!” I teased and chuckled. I pulled the phone from my ear and pressed end. I set it on vibrate, in case something happened or someone needed me.

I straightened my back and fixed my white long sleeve shirt. I slipped my cell in my front pocket and fixed my bag on my shoulder that held my gun, wallet, ID and other things I needed. A girl, around seventeen walked up to me and smiled. This morning, I received an email from Lewis containing his niece’s picture. This girl was a spitting image of the picture.

“Hello, are you Alexandra? I’m Carly Lewis.” Her wide brown eyes gleamed. She had her dark brown hair straight as a board and her floral top was a bright pink. She had on dark jeans that complemented it well.

“Hi, I’m Alex.” I lowered my voice. “You know the plan, right? I’m your cousin, twice removed. My parents moved me here for a better education.”

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