Chapter 33: Back to Normal?

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Once we reached the forest, we landed and dropped off our food in some makeshift houses in the trees. We knew nothing would ever be the same again. It would always be different.
One thing that would always remind me of this day are the scars that Skylar has. Every time I glance at them, I think of guns and Angel. Seeing that he braved two bullets made me less scared of them, but reminded me of the pain they could cause. I would never forget that as long as I shall live.
Things got a bit silly after a few days of getting settled into our home. Starting off, Miranda always pointed at me and Skylar and said, "Oooooohhh," every time. She did that for about a week until everyone got used to it. It was still shocking knowing he loved me. I never had time to think about how I truly felt about my group. I was always being the leader and making sure we were doing fine.
     As for my arm, I had to let Dylan put a stick on it tied with vines and let it heal that way, which felt like forever. After I felt it was okay, I took it off, feeling great that I could run, fly, and swim freely again.
The hunters never came into the forest again. After the whole event, the city made a policy that nobody was to enter the forest unless allowed by the city. We liked that rule. Once, Angel came to visit us. It was so fun. She got very wet that day. Turns out, the feathers we gave her are now braided into her hair. She told us that she is going to leave them that way forever. Just to be safe, we gave her a second set of our feathers so she would have extra in case the feathers got ruined or lost at any point.
Finally, we got back to our normal lives of exploring and playing like we used to. It was great.
After about a year since the day I was captured, I was back on the mountain peak. I did what I didn't get to do since that day.
I jumped and shapeshifted into a hawk, and was soon followed by four other unique birds like me. We got our time to fly free and just enjoy the life we were given. The raven flew right next to me, brushing my wing every so often. I could tell we would have an amazing life starting right then.

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