Chapter 20: Break In

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     They had found it. They found the house with the pool. Only one thing to do now.
     "Let's get 'em!" screeched Miranda.
     "They won't know what hit 'em!" replied Dylan.
     "Time to kick butt!" yelled Alecia with a fierce look.
     Skylar hadn't said anything. He didn't want to waste time talking when they should be saving their friend. They dove down from the sky, hid in some bushes a few houses away, and changed back.
     "What's the plan?" asked Miranda curiously.
     "Simple, get in, get her, get out," said Skylar.
     "Then let's do it, and with as little time and attention as possible," replied Alecia. They walked at a fast pace towards the house. It didn't take more than a minute to reach their destination.
     "Ok, who's up for knocking?" asked Alecia.
     "Count me in!" said Miranda. She pounded furiously on the door a few times. When it didn't open immediately, they started shouting to be let in. Right when Skylar was about to kick the door down, a girl opened the door and came out with a curious and innocent look.
     "Oh hello!" she said. "Do you need something? You seem...rushed." She looked up at them while thinking, 'They aren't news reporters! Who are they?'
     "We believe our friend is here," said Dylan with a fierce look.
     "Who else is here?" followed Alecia with an angry and impatient look.
     "Well, I'm here alone," she replied a bit fearful. She wasn't actually scared, it was part of her innocent act. "I'm waiting for my mom to come home-"
     "We know you're lying," said Skylar angrily. "We saw her on TV, we know she's here, hiding."
     She just kept her act going. "I believe nobody else is here. I know about the reports on the news, though. Yes, they showed someone in my yard. She's gone now. After she left, I have no idea where she planned to go. Trust me, she won't be found by anyone."
     They exchanged looks of anxiety and fear with each other. "She...left?" asked Miranda."
     "That couldn't be," answered Alecia. "We know her better than that."
     "She's so unpredictable, we may never find her," said Dylan sadly.
     "Let's just go," said Skylar with a sad yet angry tone. "We should have known she wouldn't stay anywhere long."
     "Then where can Sylvia be?" asked Dylan.
     "We can always try the outskirts of the city. Let's hurry up and-"
     "Wait!" yelled the girl. "You said Sylvia?!"
     "So you know her," said Alecia fiercely.
     "Yes," replied Angel. "And you must be her friends."
     "More than we will ever know," said Dylan.
     "Come inside," she said. "I think I may know where to find her..."
      Man, I wish I had seen it all. I would have ran down there in a second. But sadly, I'm still behind the boxes in the old attic upstairs.

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