Chapter 18: Sylvia in Peril

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     They were still running for the center of the city while I was in Angel's house, witnessing everything about me being shown to everyone. I couldn't believe what power the city had over me. It was crazy how one bit of news could reach everyone in a few seconds.
"Finally," panted Miranda. "I thought we would be running forever."
"That wasn't forever," replied Dylan. "It wasn't that far, only three miles? Maybe four." I could see how he said that so easily. We ran multiple miles a day back in the forest. It must have been because she was human, and because she made everything dramatic.
"Both of you, shut it." Alecia said plainly but fiercely. "You're both fine. Let's get going." They looked around the central square for any information on a wolf sighting. That wasn't the hard part. Immediately, the found a huge television, broadcasting the alley fight, animal control, and the backyard footage from the cameras that caught it all.
"That's Sylvia!" yelled Skylar, a bit too loudly. Some people in the area turned towards them.
"Good going," murmured Alecia, with a sharp elbow to his stomach. He ignored it and tried thinking of a solution. With no plan, he just stayed silent. Eventually, the people gave up and went back to their business. "Be more careful next time," whispered Alecia harshly, "Or else."
     They made sure to stay silent while watching the rest of the news report. They stared in shock as everything about me was revealed. My powers, my looks in all forms, my whereabouts and where I've been. Nobody really looked at it, as they either watched on a phone or they had already seen or experienced the events involving me. It wasn't chaos...yet.
     "We have to hurry and save her!" said Miranda. "Who knows what danger she's in now?!"
     "Calm down," said Dylan.
     "Oh, would you want us to calm down if that was you?" Skylar barked back. "She needs us. It's our job to be worried. Even though she's the strongest, she still can't survive a whole city against her, especially if she's exposed." Everyone was silent after that. All 5 of us knew that if one of us was in danger, we would do anything to save them. The pact, remember? Dammit, I spoiled the next part!
"The pact, guys! You have to remember the pact!" said Alecia. "No matter what, we swore on the first day to protect each other, no matter what!"
     "Of course we remember the pact," said Miranda. "Obviously, it's our only rule that we must follow for each other."
     "Then we are going to find where Sylvia is and save her!" exclaimed Skylar.
     "Anyone remember what the last footage's setting was? Like where she was?"
     "I believe it was a house with a pool in the backyard," said Dylan.
     "Well while you slowpokes talk, I'm gonna get going!" said Miranda in a challenging way. She took off towards an empty alley and changed into her sky form. The rest followed and changed. They all took off to look over the city for a pool.
     Have you noticed a pattern? Every time one of us isn't paying attention, we make stupid life-threatening mistakes. They did that right then. My friends didn't realize that the moment they ignored the news on the TV, it was the moment that their footage from the animal shelter was being shown, revealing all 5 of us in less than 5 minutes.

If Only They KnewOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora