Chapter 17: I'm Famous...In a Bad Way

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"We should probably go inside," I said. "I just feel it's safer."
"Good idea," she replied. We went inside, both of us thinking of what to do. I knew she was reading my mind all the time now. Thinking about my group could be fatal to their survival. I cannot trust anyone 100% yet unless they are my friends. So really, I only trust 4 people in this world. I don't really trust myself half the time. I make stupid decisions a lot. Even my friends have done it before, but they aren't  THAT stupid. It was like game-stupid with them. For example, hiding in a small space when you're a big bird. They do that a lot and I can spot them easily. My stupid decisions were like this one, letting myself get captured and dragging everyone into danger in the city. Wait, how much of that did I just actually say in my mind?!
"How do you not trust yourself all the time? I can understand stupid decisions. That doesn't mean you shouldn't trust yourself." It looks like I only gave away the not trusting myself part and managers to block out all the parts I didn't want her to hear or read.
"Well, it's a long story. It's just hard when you've lived in the wild with only your instinct to help."
"But trusting your gut is what makes it easier. Your heart knows what's right. Trusting that you made a good decision is what will help you make better choices later on." Damn, this girl is good. If only I could tell her about my friends and this stupid decision. Wait, I can. Just keep my friends out of the picture, once again.
"There's more to it, honestly. The way I got here was a stupid choice. I was a wolf, running to a lake. No care about what could have happened. I was almost there when I heard a noise. I immediately stopped and growled. The noise continued. They knew I was there. They were hunters. They got me in a cage and threatened me with a gun. I had made the stupid choice to surrender after stopping what I was doing to be captured when I could have ran."
"But it was the best choice," Angel said. "It could have gone way worse. Running could have made them shoot instead of capture you. Also, they wouldn't just shoot a wolf that they had wanted alive for some reason. You made the choice that you told yourself to make, and that's what matters."
How is she so good at contradicting me?! Seriously, she can make a bad situation into a dream world. I need to learn how to do this for future references with my friends. It could prove useful.
"Man, slow down! You're thinking too fast! I can't read what you're saying!" Yep, she was trying to read my mind, and yet I had managed to not leak much about my group. I guess I thought fast enough that she couldn't read that part. "How about we turn on the TV?" she asked.
"TV?" I asked. "What's that?"
"Forgot you haven't seen one in a while. It just shows pictures with sound to make something for you to watch." I kinda remembered after she said that. It's been so long! She turned it on and started flicking through what I believed were called "remotes." Wait, a remote is what she's using to change it. I think it's a channel? Like a water channel? God, I can't remember.
I saw nothing interesting on the changing screen. Nothing caught my attention. I thought about suggesting something else to do. That changed when I saw a wolf for a split second. "Wait!" I yelled. "Go back to that wolf one!"
"You seriously can see what is on the screen in a second? Wow, you have to tell me these things." She started going back slowly. I was determined to find that wolf one.
"THAT ONE! THERE IT IS!!!" I was so happy, until I realized the worst thing had come true.
That wolf was me in the alley. It showed that, as well as footage from the security cameras in animal control and more footage from the backyard. It revealed all of it, EVERYTHING!!! And it showed that over two thousand people were watching! That's almost the whole city that knew my secret!!!

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