Chapter 3: Where am I?

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     Thrown into this place! Are you serious?! Thrown into this place! That's not how you treat a wolf, much less a human! Leave me alone and go back to wherever you came from so I can go back home!
     God, where am I? It's a plain gray room with some more cages. All I knew is that it was bad. It smelled like someone threw up in here times one thousand. I curled into a ball and whimpered, hoping I would be left alone and maybe even set free. I'm just a wolf, you people! Let me go, you have no reason to want me!
     Okay, so thinking of what to do in my head plus barking and throwing myself around in the cage leads to punishment. They hit me with sticks and laughed at me. That made me go crazy. I HATE being laughed at! I barked madly and I felt my eyes going red with anger. The humans just stood there, smirking and pointing. They KNEW I hated it, and they continued. I eventually gave up and curled up again. They started complaining, so one of them poked me in the ribs with a pointy stick. That did it. I got up, turned around, and just glared. They looked at me like I was crazy. They wanted me to go mad, but I refused. It was the most intense staring match in history for a while.
     They gave up and left. I thought, 'Yeah you better leave!' I was pleased at winning that, but I still needed to get out of here. I saw nothing but cages and spiderwebs. It was pitch black, but I could still faintly see the cages and walls. I had one plan to get out, and that was shapeshifting. Seeing nothing around me, I changed into a hawk and squeezed between the bars. I changed into my human form and wondered what to do now. I realized right then I made a HUGE mistake.
     There was a video camera in the corner, focused directly on me.

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