chapter 2 - Mamma Mia

Start from the beginning

From 11.23 "Alpha and Omega", in Octavia's Camaro, Octavia was driving. Ness was in the passenger seat. Amara was in the backseat with the babies. They saw the long, long stream of bursting light that exploded into the sky, swirling along the clouds. Ness, Amara and Octavia were in shock from seeing this, in awe. When they came to the conclusion that it had to have meant that Sabrina was dead, they were devastated.

From 11.23 "Alpha and Omega", in the control room, Ness, Amara and Octavia walked in, holding Aiden, Ariel and Faith by their carseats, putting them on the table.

Ness drew her gun, turning around, aiming at the person behind them. "Who the hell are you?"

Toni was the one standing in the doorway between the control room and the library, already having a gun drawn on Ness. Jamie stepped out of hiding from behind Amara, grabbing her from behind, aiming a gun at her head, making Ness and Octavia stop from any other movements.

"I'm Toni Bevel, Men of Letters, London Chapterhouse," Toni told them. "They sent me to take the Winchesters in."

"To take us in?" Ness repeated.

From 12.01 "Keep Calm and Carry On", in the basement of the farmhouse, Ness, Amara and Octavia were handcuffed, chained to chairs facing each other. They were barefoot and no longer hand their jackets on. Floor drains were underneath them. Toni, Watt and Barclay stood nearby.

"Ness, Amara, Octavia, this is Ms. Watt and Ms. Barclay," Toni told them. "They're here to ensure you behave."

"You can ask me any kind of question you want," Octavia told her. "The answer's gonna be the exact same. No."

Watt turned on the sink. A hose was attached to the faucet, capturing the water, re-routing it to three shower heads over Ness, Octavia and Amara, making the freezing water fall over them. Barclay and Watt walked closer, turning on two blow torches.

Watt crouched in front of them to look them in the eyes. "Are you really gonna make us do this?"

"Do your worst, bitch," Octavia told her.

Watt and Barclay burned the blow torches across the side of Ness and Octavia's feet, making Ness scream in pain. Octavia resisted making a sound, fighting through the pain. Amara winced at the sound and sight, looking down.

Barclay: (voice over from 12.01 Keep Calm and Carry On) "No one can take that much pain and not break. No one."

From 12.01 "Keep Calm and Carry On", on the road, Sabrina knelt next to Watt and Barclay. "You wouldn't tell me Aunt Ness, Aunt Ava and Amara were." She tilted her head. "Doesn't mean that I can't find out."

Sabrina put a hand to either of Watt and Barclay's heads, going through their minds to find the location.

From 12.01 "Keep Calm and Carry On", in the basement, Ness, Octavia and Amara were unconscious.

Toni: (voice over from 12.01 Keep Calm and Carry On) "We stop trying to break their bodies. We break their minds."

Later, Ness, Octavia and Amara were no longer chained up.

Amara groaned, dizzy and disoriented. "Oh, what the hell happened?"

"They drugged us," Ness answered.

As the drug started to take affect, they all heard a high-pitched ringing in their heads, holding their heads, groaning in pain. They saw visions, hallucinations, appear in fog clouds ahead of them, surprised, knowing that this was being caused by whatever drug they were given.

Amara heard the voices of her family blaming her for the things that the Darkness made her do, saying "It should've been you, it's your fault, just die," and her name over and over.

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