Monday (The Break In)

Start from the beginning

Although in my opinion the roof looks like it needs to be repainted. I went to the backyard and I saw a tree that fell. For some reason the tree was resting on the house so I was able to get in very easily.(Honestly I'm surprised they haven't been robbed yet.) The window lead to  Tina's room

) The window lead to  Tina's room

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Tina's room looked nice and cute. She had pictures of her family members on the wall. I felt bad at first but then I reminded my self that Tina was a bully. I started looking for dirt and you'll never believe what I found. I saw this piece of paper, written on it was

Date of birth: dec 21st 2001
Name: Shelley Tina Roberts
Weight: 3.5kg
Healthy: not really
Medical Condition: Down Syndrome
Diagnosed: day of birth.

I read that paper twice! I can't believe this! Then I went to the picture and I noticed Tina's mom looked similar to the woman I saw. I guess she decided to keep her baby. Ok now I really felt bad for her. Maybe instead of getting revenge on her, I should help her. I left after that and I went to Cynthia's house

The first thing that came to my mind was 'Why are all the lights on during the day?' I could see a man inside the house and I was sure it was her butler

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The first thing that came to my mind was 'Why are all the lights on during the day?' I could see a man inside the house and I was sure it was her butler. I walked up to the door and rang the door bell
"Good day miss. And how may I assist you today"
"Hi my name I'd Rachel--"
"Rachel? I've never heard of you. Goodbye."
He said as he was about to shut the door
"Did I say Rachel? Sorry I guess you don't know my middle name. I'm better known as Bianca."
"Oh! Excuse my behavior, it is nice too see you again Miss Bianca. You look so different. Did you dye you're hair black?"
"No it's a wig."
"Ok. Why are you here are you not meant to be at school?"
"I have a free period and Cynthia asked me to get something for her."
He said while letting me into the house. He took me too her room and my first reaction was is this real????

 He took me too her room and my first reaction was is this real????

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I honestly thought the butler had brought me to the wrong room. I thought it was her little sister's room. Everything was sooo barbie style. There was even a pink barbie toy truck!
"Well miss? Are you not going to get want you were sent for." Asked the butler giving me the sly brow
"Of course."
The butler left and I got to work. I took a pic of the room cause let's face it,A picture of this room sent to everyone in school is more than enough to ruin her reputation.
I went to her closet and OMG!!! The pinkness is too much!

I eventually found her diary under her bed. And OMG, I'd never thought I'd say this but this girl is worse than Eli. Turns put she knew about Tina's Down syndrome and has actually been using her disability to manipulate her. I mean what kind on evil heartless bastard would do that!?!

I decided to 'redecorate' Cynthia's room with some paint I found and by that I mean I totally trashed it! And I threw the barbie truck out the window. Sorry Cynthia but when you're 15 you're not meant to have pink barbie toy trucks!!

As I left the room I heard a voice
"What? I didn't send for anyone!...... Who is in my room?...... You incompetent fool! She was at school with me!!!........... She's there? Ok let's go see. If she isn't then you can kiss you job goodbye cause you are soo Outta here."
It was CYNTHIA!!!! :(
I'm gonna end up in jail..... Wait what am I saying she will kill me!!!!!D:

Oh no, oh no what do I do. Well first I need to stop writing in this diary!!!

To be continued.....

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