"Okay, I'll call you before I leave." I promised, smiling at him. Before I knew it, he enveloped me in a tight hug, lifting me off the ground, I giggled but then his huge hands slide down to my bums. "Fabian!" I warned.

"What's the meaning of this!?" A deep voice yelled, my eyes widened when I recognised the voice as my father's.

     Fabian loosened his grip, releasing me on the ground and we both turned to see my father glaring daggers at us, he was about to erupt. My father eyed Fabian, scanning his features from head to toe with a nasty sneer on his lips, I gulped and started fidgeting on the spot, Fabian on the other hand took a drag of his cigarette and stuck his hand out for a handshake.

"Nice to meet you sir, I'm-" He was cut short by my father.

"Get off my property, punk!" He roared.

"Daddy, I'm sorry..."

"shut your bloody mouth, I'll deal with you inside." my father growled, Fabian's eyes widened. "as for you, stay away from my daughter."

Fabian clenched his jaw, he huffed out smoke and threw the cigarette on the floor, very close to my father's foot, aggravating him even more.

"I'll see you later, kiki." He muttered even though his eyes were on my father, then he turned and walked away.

Oh lord...

My father and I locked gazes.

"Inside." He said through gritted teeth, I walked through the gate and saw a nervous looking Caesar, I ignored him and walked through the front door and into the house, mother immediately jolted up from her position on the sofa with a worried look on her face.

"oh, sweet lord. Lucky I-I tried to call you but your phone was switched off. Your father came back early, I-" She suddenly froze, her face went pale, her eyes were fixed behind me. I turned but met a sharp blow as it landed on my cheek.

"you're nothing but a worthless tramp!" My father backhanded me on my other cheek this time. "I'm going to teach you a lesson child, a lesson on moral behaviour."

"Daddy, please I'm sorry -" He grabbed me by the shoulders and threw me against the hard wall, the collision was so hard that a family portrait hanging on the wall came crashing on my back as I fell down, my body shuddered in pain as tears poured down my cheeks. I cried, I didn't just cry because I was in pain but because my mother watched all this in silence.

Please, don't let it get out of hand this time...

     My father grabbed the head of his belt and unbuckled it, he pulled it from his waistline. Wrapping one side of the belt around his right hand he threw his hand back and lashed me hard, he did it again, and again and again. He scourged me any and everywhere, except my face. My cheek was on the floor, both palms by the sides of my head, shielding my face.

"Daddy, stop! please!" I pleaded but he kept lashing me, leaving me feeling like a thousand pieces of needles were being sent into my body. "please, stop..."

I was weak, I'd never deny it. I prayed for strength every single night. I wished there was some sort of way I could defend myself from the man I called my father.

"Philip, stop!" My mother yelled, her voice broke, she had finally decided it was time to intervene even though she hadn't moved from where she was since I walked in.

"He smoke, Lucky. He bloody smokes!" Father yelled, ignoring my mother's weak plea, he grunted as he gave me another sickening scourge. "And that hair, he looks like a godforsaken gangster! You couldn't have picked a better one! You're nothing but a shameless whore!"

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