He doesn't reply back to me so I put my phone on airplane mode and put it in the cup holder next to me

"Who were you texting?" Jenna asked flipping through a magazine

"Uh... M-My Mom"I say

"She's actually coming to this competition?" Jenna asks , My mom usually never came to my competitions , She just cares about if I win or not

"She said she's flying down tomorrow morning" I answer

"What's so special about this competition?" Jenna asks

"I'll give you one guess" I say


"Yeah" I say "She loves to see me beat her"

"Your mom hates your sister more than we hate the Reign kids" Jenna says. I laugh

"She doesn't hate Mischa , She hates my Dad" I say

"Because Mischa chose to live with him" Jenna says

"Exactly. She wanted both of us in the divorce and the court said that each parent got one child, but, after both of us turned 18 we could move out and chose who we wanted to be with" I explain. Jenna knew a lot about the divorce and that situation but she didn't know that part.

"Wouldn't it be funny if Mischa decided to come live with you and dance for Dare" Jenna says

"That would be awesome. The two Palmer girls dancing for Dare again" I say

"Oh please, You'd hate that, You know Mischa is just as good as you and would give you a run for your money as top dancer" Jenna said

"True, But then we would have a lot more trophies" I say . Suddenly my phone buzzes again.

"Is that your mom again?" Jenna asks . I look at my phone and see Alan's name in my screen.

"Um...Yeah, Yeah it's her" I say and open my text message

Alan: Everyone on this bus is asleep .

Makinley: Weren't you supposed to be taking a nap?

Alan: I couldn't get comfortable.

Makinley: Poor thing.

Alan: Well you have a comfortable airplane seat to sleep in , I've got a rock solid bus seat.

Makinley: If my team liked you I'd offer to let you ride down with us .

Alan: How sweet.

Makinley: Too bad this whole studio hates you.

Alan: Well...One of you doesn't hate me.

Makinley: Who?

Alan: You.

Makinley: You don't know that.

Alan: If you hated me you wouldn't be talking to me.

Makinley: You got me there....Gotta go.

I turned my phone off so I wouldn't get anymore texts from Alan and put it back in the cup holder then started talking to Jenna again .

"I didn't even know your mom knew how to text, now she's blowing your phone up" Jenna says , I smile hoping she couldn't tell I was lying

"She...Just learned" I say

"Oh" She says "Well, I think I'm gonna sleep". She turns over and faces the window and then put in her ear buds and plays a song on her ipod.

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