Vampire Vixx chapter 51 Danger...

Start from the beginning

"Omo you're still cute when you get teased chingu-ah". Di cooed.

They all laughed and shared some stuff about each other.

"So now you're all out of the undercover mission, where are you going to stay now?" Di asked them.

"Well we don't have a place to stay actually, where were originally been a temporary place". Cassandra replied.

"I think I know where you can stay". Di suddenly said.

"Huh where?" Hongbin asked as he rose a brow.

"Deep in the forest where EXO wolves are living yeobo". Di replied to her husband.

"Oooooh!" Hongbin exclaimed as he realized that the wolves are in fact they are next door neighbours.

"EXO wolves?" Katie tilted her head.

"Yes they were known as EXO when they were idols back in the day". said Di.

"They're under SM". said Hongbin.

"Nae, and they're really handsome and friendly". said Di making Hongbin eye her.

"Oh really?" Allie held Di's hand in excitement.

"Yeah really, I'm sure they will be fine having more guest in their place I mean Charlotte and her sisters are there". said Di with a smile.

"Omo Charlotte is there? How is she? Is she safe?" Katie asked Di.

"Nae she's safe in the care of EXO wolves". Di replied with the gentle smile.

"I feel such a horrible friend to her that I am ashamed to show myself to her". Katie looked at the ground feeling all guilty.

"Don't worry chingu-ah and I'm sure she will forgive like I did". said Di trying to cheer up her friend.

"So many are there?" Mimi asked.

"How many what?" Di tilted her dead all confused to Mimi's question.

"Oh I meant to ask, how many guys are there?" Mimi corrected the question.

"Aaah that, there are 12 of them". Di replied.

"But are they human? Because you just called them wolves". Gemma asked all confused.

"They are, they just turn into wolves at moonlight". Hongbin replied.

"Ooooh I see". they all sang.

"So now that we know about the dangers that is yet to come, what plans do you have in mind?" Di suddenly changed the subject.

"We plan to create an anti-sasaeng team". Cassandra replied.

"If you guys are planning that then I'm in". said Di.

"Me too". said Hongbin.

A week had passed and newlywed couple bought the 8 girls to the mansion, they were all welcomed by the vampires and the girls.

"Welcome home lovebirds". said Sufiani as she hugged her cousin.

"Hey puffball". Di replied sweetly to her cousin.

"~Yah don't call me that I'm not a kid anymore~" Sufiani pouted.

"Arasseo, but you're still cute whenever I get a chance to tease you". Di giggled as she gently strokes her cousin's head.

"Oh! new guests?" Sufiani exclaimed as she pointed the 8 girls behind Di and Hongbin.

"Nae, they are, and they will be staying with EXO". said Hongbin.

"Oh that's great, they're really friendly, super cute and you can pet them they love getting petted". Sufiani explained all excited without realizing that Leo is standing behind her.

"Who loves getting petted princess?" a jealous Leo asked Sufiani.

Sufiani turned to face Leo with a sweet smile.

"EXO and even if they turn into wolves their furred is super soft and fluffy similar of a puppy". Sufiani replied.

"Oooh I see". Leo replied still feeling jealous.

"Don't worry oppa they're only my friends and plus we have 8 more guests to welcome". said Sufiani.

Di and the rest of them went inside the mansion Katie hid behind Di because she felt really embarrassed of the awful things she did to the vampires until they all stopped and the boys eye widen as soon as they recognized her.

"Hi boys". Di greet them cheerfully.

"Yah noona what is she doing here?" Ken asked his older sister.

"Ah, don't worry everyone she's not going to do it again". Di replied.

"I'm really sorry for all the bad things I did to you all". Katie shyly bowed.

"All forgiven". Sufiani replied with a hug.

"Where's Yulia?" Di asked.

"She's over at Seo In-Guk's place". Lilli replied.

"Because we need everyone right now". Di replied.

"Is it really important?" Adi asked.

"Nae it's super urgent". Hongbin replied.

"If that's the case then we should give them a call so that they can come over". said Candy.

"Great idea". said Lilli.

Candy fished out her phone and called Yulia and after half an hour Yulia & Seo In-Guk came into the house panting.

"Hey what did I miss?" Yulia greeted with a grin.

"Omo Yulia-yah, aigoo you got even prettier when you moved in with Seo In-Guk". Di teased with a smile.

"A-ani, don't misunderstand us we're only pretending to be in relationship because his mother will visit us very soon". Yulia reasoned out.

They all hear a scratching noise on the door of the back garden and Sufiani simply smiled and rushed over to open the door.

"Hey guys looks like you're just arrived at a great time now". Sufiani greeted them all.

"Hi". they all greeted.

"Well it looks like everyone is here". said Sufiani.

As they all entered at the lounge room squeezing everyone in.

"Guys this Katie, Cassandra, Laila, Mimi, Jane, Joanne, Allie & Gemma, and they have something really important to tell us". Di spoke up.

"Hi all I'm Cassandra and the reason why we've come here is that the whole world is in great danger". said Cassandra.

Now that the newly-wed have arrived back home but this time not alone... Katie and her family need to warn the rest of them that the whole world is in great danger?! Have you all commented who won the swimming competition between Hongbin & Di? Find that out soon.

End of chapter 51.


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