Chapter 12- A New Adventure Awaits!

Start from the beginning

"I-I won't! I'll protect this kingdom with everything I've got!" He clenched his fist, tears pooling n his eyes.

Smirking I stretched my arms over my head. "Well, good luck with that, Nicolas." Running towards my crew I grinned. "Ne, Nami! When does the log pose set?"

Our Navigator paused, glancing down at her wrist. She blinked, "Ah, now actually."

Luffy let out a cheerful laugh. "Yosh! Let's go then!"


After having Chopper check me over, which I didn't need but the reindeer insisted, I ran back out into town. Franky had come along with me, but we ended up splitting up. He had needed to grab a few last minuet supplies from a store, and I needed to pick up a few things.

Franky had decided that we would meet up at our break point in two hours. Perhaps he didn't realize how bad I was at directions. And there was no way I was going to admit it out loud, that would injure my  pride far more than I want.

During my time with the Strawhats, I've found that Franky and I get along quite well. There were days I would sit in his workshop drawing while he worked. Either we would work in silence, or he would have me help with his ideas. He was the mastermind, and I was the artistic touch to his creations. I'm sure he was picking up the finishing supplies for our current project.

I had two destinations, one was to pick up more supplies as I didn't know when the next island would be. The other destination was to pick up my sketchbook from Emma. Though, I just pray I'm lucky enough to find the right place.

"Hey! Katsu!" I stopped, looking behind me at the sudden shout. I was greeted by the blonde girl from earlier. Beside her was the old man from the bar.

"Ah, I was looking for you." I muttered, my eyes landing on my sketchbook in her grasp.

"You kept your promise!" She shouted, letting go of her grandfather's hand to run to me. Emma came to a complete stop as he held her arms out, offering me my sketchbook. "Thank you!"

I grinned, taking the book from her hands. "I told ya we would beat those silent guys. You didn't think my crew was made of weak people did ya?"

While she puffed out her cheeks in response, the old man stepped forward. "Thank you again." He glanced at his granddaughter. "Come on Emma, we need to go see your grandmother. She's waiting for us."

I couldn't help but smile as they walked away. It was great to see the results of us defeating the pirates.  I blinked, remembering what I had needed. "Oi! Where can I find a craft store?"

Emma looked over her shoulder, "Yeah! Just keep going straight, it will be the store on your right!"

"Yosh." I grinned, turning away from them. "Thanks, see ya!"


Perhaps luck was on my side today. Not only had I managed to run into Emma, retrieving my sketchbook, but I had managed to find the store without much difficulty.

Opening the door, a soft bell chimed announcing my entrance. A woman, who had been happily humming a soft and sweet melody greeted me. "Welcome! Everything's half off today!" She practically sang, then went back to humming.

My toes curled at the cold tile. Looking over the shop, my eyes found what I needed. With the tapping of my bare feet, I walked towards the pencils. I scanned through the selection, finding my preferred brand. When I was on Gold's Island, I had to be the first one out on port in order to retrieve this brand, they only came in once a month.

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