A Monster

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I know this chapter will be confusing but bear with it, please. I am sorry I haven't updated in a while but I hope you can still support this book. Thank you.


"You know lying is a bad thing to do."

Luciano quirked a brow when he heard the seductive whisper in his ear. His lips stretched into a smirk and turned around to face the woman. Her eyes were filled with pure mischievousness and her lips were similar to Luciano's, except it was painted with blood red.

He brought his arms around her slim waist and slammed her body to his. The woman gasps in shock but quickly recovered as she wraps her arms around his neck, and brought his head down to kiss his lips - roughly. Luciano responded with the same ferocity and they fought over dominance.

Holding her face in his hand, Luciano separated his lips from hers and saw the lusty haze she was into. His chest swelled with pride as he can see the effect of his power over her. "Why'd you stop?" Her breathless question that was filled with disappointment.

The grip that he had on her face tighten slightly and he turned her head to the side before whispering in her ear, "Listen here and listen very well... I am your master and you follow what I tell you to do. You don't get to demand nor feel like you're my mistress. You do your job well and be silent. Am I clear?"

The woman shivered in fear as each word that passed Luciano's lips tighten his hold on her face, making her wince in pain and her eyes glossy with unshed tears. While Luciano just smiled and pushed The woman away harshly. She landed on the floor with a hard impact, she sat up from the floor and held her throbbing cheeks.

"I don't understand...I thought I worth more to you than...her," the woman whispered brokenly. The once beautiful seductress was now a broken mess on the floor.

Luciano laughed and looked at the woman on the floor, "Darling, I thought I already told you not to trust me? Why do women like you always expect monsters like me to fall for them? You're a worthless whore and don't ever think we will end up in a fairytale also because..." Luciano paused and crouched down to the woman's level and held her chin gently as they stare at each other's eyes.

Unlike before, Luciano's eyes held mischievousness while the woman's brown orbs held sorrow. "This is real life. A monster will and always will be... a monster and you nor anyone on this earth can change that." He finished before letting go of her chin.

Blood tears started pouring out of the woman's eyes as Luciano walk away slowly from her. She stayed on the floor still and when Luciano got to the door of his office, he turned his head to the side, not really looking at her but he could still see her from his peripherals.

The woman gritted her teeth and felt anger rising up on her chest, "You think you're better? We all know you're as worthless as I am and maybe even more. You may deny it but that's the truth. At least I only use my body but you... you're the devil in human form," She spewed the words like poison. The only response Luciano gave her was a dark chuckle but she felt her entire body erupt with goosebumps and a strange pleasure from hearing it.

"Don't think you're better either. Always remember, you're my fallen angel," Luciano spoke and left the room, slamming the door roughly on his way out, leaving the stunned woman.

The Vampire and The IdiotOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora