The Bottle

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They arrived at the grand living room.

Sylvester took a look around the room and inspected the design. The room was filled with dark colors that Sylvester knew compliments his friend's personality.

The walls were covered in the darkest hues of blue and based on the texture, the material that was used was leather. It has two full-length windows that had a golden frame and intricate designs that classified it enough to be expensive.

There is an L shaped sofa that was also colored in navy blue with tiny pillows sitting on it. A tiny table was also placed in front of the sofa, it has a horse figurine as the center piece. There was also a single seater couch in front of the big sofa.

Sylvester took a seat in big, plush sofa while Mariano walked to the tiny bar to pour out some alcoholic beverage for his friend and for him.


Sylvester's face scrunched up in disgust and Mariano knew how much his friend hated scotch but he couldn't help but taunt him.

"You know I don't drink that cat piss," Sylvester scowled while Mariano chuckled.

"Yeah I know but I hate you so..." Mariano poured out scotch for him and grabbed a cold beer from the mini fridge in the corner. He tossed it to Sylvester who was caught off guard and got his face hit by the bottle.

"You dick!" Sylvester exclaimed in anger as he rubbed his forehead to rid of the throbbing pain.

Mariano let out a hearty laugh, while Sylvester scowled at his friend. He used the bottle of the cold beer to his now bumpy forehead. He winced and felt the pain ease a little, he can still hear his friend laughing it off.

"Oh shut up you damn leech," Sylvester sneered, his lips in a thin line from annoyance.

After a few seconds, Mariano finally got a hold of himself and wiped a stray of tear from laughing so hard

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After a few seconds, Mariano finally got a hold of himself and wiped a stray of tear from laughing so hard. His face was red and his hair fell from his face. He swept them back up and drunk his drink. He let out a breath, still chuckling from time to time.

He had always been a dandy man, Sylvester thought.

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