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"See you tomorrow Thalià!"

Thalia heard her friend - Jannie, bid her goodbye. They walked out of the university together but walked into different directions to their respective paths. Thalia walked down the street towards her home, she walked with a spring in her step and with a carefree look on her face.

Thalia had her headphones on and was listening to a lively music. She was singing along quietly to the song and tried a few times to dance discreetly to the beat.

She saw an old couple passed by her with loving smiles and a far off look on their faces, they didn't even notice her walking. She smiled at them and stole another glance over her shoulder and walked away.

Thalia then remembered how her day started earlier that morning and she couldn't help but feel saddened by it. Earlier this morning, she saw her parents fight in their house when she visited them before heading to the University.

The once happy expression on her face a few seconds ago was now replaced with a blank one.

If it weren't for her friends noticing her change of behavior earlier when she arrived at the University, and their plans of making her forget about her problem, she would've cried right then and there. She almost survived the day if it weren't for the self-reminder of what happened earlier that morning.

Now that the feeling is back again. The feeling of hiding inside her house and crying herself to sleep or just cry until all her pain fade away, but she knew it would be impossible, and that brought another weight on her already sagging shoulders

Before she knew it, she had already arrived at her little house that her mother gave her. It was a small bungalow house with a small lawn on the front. The house was a gift from her late aunt to Thalia's mother. Thalia's mom thought it was a great idea to give it to Thalia since her University is only a walking distance from the house. Thalia loved the house so much because it was a nice and cozy home for her and she could live independently.

The light breeze that passed by her snapped her out of her stupor and she felt goosebumps climb all the way up from her arms to her face. Thalia looked around her surroundings and saw an empty street and the darkness of the sky. The trees were making a rustling sound as the wind flew. Some crickets were already making their presence known.

The sun had already sunk in the horizon. The moon's glow and the sparkling stars are already making a contrast to the dark and gloomy sky. She smiled at the beautiful night sky and inhaled the sweet scent of the night air. She had always adored the night.

Thalia thought that it was peaceful and silent. She loved the feeling of the night breeze touching her face and making her crinkle her nose from the coldness of it.

She was snapped out of her thoughts when she heard a twig branch breaking and the sound echoing through the empty and silent street. She then remembered how dangerous it is for a girl like her to be out in the open at this time of night. She rolled her eyes internally for being so stupid.

Thalia begrudgingly searched for her keys in her bag. It became a wild hunt because her bag was filled with so much stuff that she was losing her patience. She cursed herself for always shoving a bunch of useless crap inside it and for not being organized. After a minute, she finally found her keys inside a secret pocket.

"Aha!" She exclaimed in joy.

Thalia shoved the key in the doorknob and was about to twist it to unlock her door when she heard a whistle in the street. It was a joyful and lively tune, it was a song that is familiar to her. In fact, it was a song that she was listening to earlier when she was making her way back home.

If it were in different circumstances, she would be singing along to the melody since she knew that song well, but having to listen to it in the night time, when you're all alone and you're outside is a scenario for a slasher or horror flicks. As far as Thalia know, she had watched enough of them to know that it was a sign of a murderer looking for a helpless victim like her.

Then suddenly the whistling stopped.

She froze and felt a harsh wind flew by her. She shivered and felt like a statue. Many thoughts ran through her head as curiosity and fear mix up. She made a plan inside her head, to take a look on the street again and then rush inside her house.

'Just one look,' She thought to herself.

Thalia slowly looked over her shoulder only to see a silhouette of a man standing not too far away from her. She couldn't see him clearly because he was hiding in the shadow of a tree. She was able to make out his figure and that he was definitely staring at her.

He whistled again and she shrieks, snapping her out of her shock.

She turned her head around and was about to open her doorknob when she felt a gust of the wind behind her and the feeling of someone standing behind her. She looked at him and saw the guy smiling at her with sharp fangs bared. She was about to yell when in a blink of an eye, a man's muscular arms were wrapped around her.

The man then placed a hand with a handkerchief on her face to cover her nose and to keep her from breathing. She inhaled something and she felt her body giving up on her and the next thing she knew, she was losing consciousness.

Before she completely lost her senses to give up to the darkness she heard him say something.

"Gotcha ya..."

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