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Mariano slammed the door opened expecting his friends to be there, but he found the house to be empty and dark. He turned on the lights and looked around, calling his friends names and searching every corner of the house. Unfortunately, he found no sign of them ever being in the house.

He walked to the living room and sat in one of the couches. He ran his hands through his hair, out of frustration. Mariano didn't know what was happening and he didn't know how to make out the solutions to his problems.

Suddenly, his eye spotted a small white paper in the middle of the coffee table, a few feet away from him. His eyebrow lifted as he stares at it with confusion, he was going to ignore it but his mind was screaming at him to go get it.

He stood up and grabbed the small piece of paper on the table, he unfolded it and saw the messy handwriting inside but what shocked him was the message and the name of who it was from in the bottom of the paper.

To Everyone,

I'm sorry if I had to do this, but I have no choice. I miss my family...and as much as I have grown to like each one of you, (Yes, the redhead too) I can't stay here. I need to go back to my family, I want them to worry no more.

When you find this note, please don't look for me. I will be already gone and on my way back. I will surely miss you guys. Especially you Mariano, but I really need to go.


Right at that moment, Mariano didn't know what to feel. Should he feel sorry for what he did, or should he be worried? He didn't know but what he would like to know is, what happened to Thalia. Could it be that she really did die before she could make it back home?

His train of thoughts was interrupted when the sudden chime of a phone rang, making him jump in fright. Mariano's eyes followed the source of the noise and saw that it was located on the bar counter. He grabbed the phone and recognized it as his, he saw a text message pop up on the screen and more than ten missed calls.

From: Johnson

We'll let you know if we had some leads

From: Adriano

I'll kill that girl if I find her.

P.S. Wish me luck.

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