Fiery Banter

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Mariano quickly ran to her as soon as he saw that Johnson had brought her with him, when he got to her he quickly looks at her face and arms, looking for bruises and checking her if she was alright. Whilst Adriano and Johnson watched their friend worry, being quiet about the whole ordeal.

Adriano had a scowl on his face while Johnson had a gentle smile on his, whilst Thalia looked uncomfortable and out of place after hearing Mariano and Adriano's exchange about her.

Thalia cleared her throat to catch Mariano's frantic state as he continued to check her, "Mariano," Thalia called out and Mariano's eyes snapped at her and he held her face in his hands. His cerulean eyes glowed with worry, making Thalia's heart melt. His hair was unruly like he had been running his hands all over it and his shirt was wrinkly and had the four top buttons undone.

"What's wrong are you hurt? I can smell blood on you. What happened? What did you do to her?" All these questions spew from Mariano's mouth, the last question was meant for Johnson as Mariano almost growled at him.

Instead of being offended, Johnson let out an amused chuckle and held his hands up in surrender. His eyes were bright and taunting, "I didn't do anything, and she caused that herself. She forgot to wear her shoes earlier and thought it would be a good idea to take a stroll in the woods with only her socks on," Johnson explained.

Mariano shifted his gaze at Thalia and frowned at her, making Thalia look at him, sheepishly. "If it makes it any better, Johnson carried me after I fell down and trip over a root," Thalia offered.

Johnson let out another chuckle and they suddenly heard a scoff behind Mariano, making them look behind his back whilst Mariano rolls his eyes.

"Idiotic girl, this is the girl that you boys sacrifice your life to? I never thought stupidity is infectious, but I guess science is wrong." Adriano shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly and pretended to look at his nails.

Thalia looked back behind Mariano and saw the redhead that she had encountered earlier and glared at him. She took a side step and marched towards Adriano with a deep frown on her face when she reached him, she stared up at his face because she was much shorter than Adriano and all the guys.

Standing at five foot three, Thalia was considered a midget around her friends and classmates. She had a love/hate relationship with her height because sometimes being short has its advantages and right in that moment, she wished she was taller so she could stare down at Adriano.

"What's your problem with me huh? Ginger?" Thalia challenged, her hands were on her hips as she tried her best to look up to the six foot something male in front of her.

Johnson's lips twitch, itching to smile at the comical exchange between Adriano and Thalia. Whilst Mariano glared at Johnson for not bothering to interrupt, but he can't blame Johnson, he too felt amused by the exchange between his friend and the girl. He never thought that one day, one of the most feared and respected dragon prince will face the ever threatening, ball kicker, and midget –Thalia.

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